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Conservatives had high hopes for Twitter after Elon Musk took over. Identifying as a “free speech absolutist,” Musk pledged transparency and an end to the conservative censorship that had plagued the platform. For a while, there things seemed to get better, but unfortunately, it was short-lived. Today’s Twitter looks a lot like the old Twitter — maybe even worse– thanks to a new name and the sassy “girl boss” who’s now running the show.

It seems that CEO Linda Yaccarino has ingeniously devised a method to openly censor all of us, and she will carry out this diabolical plan with a huge, toothy grin plastered on her face. Yaccarino recently introduced her latest strategy to end “lawful but awful” speech. In short, on the new “free speech” platform called X, you’re free to express anything you wish. However, if anyone at X judges it as “awful,” your visibility will be cut, and your post won’t reach a wide audience.

Let freedom ring!

The biggest question now is, who holds the authority to determine what content is labeled as “awful” and what isn’t? We think it might still be this guy:

In case you were wondering, the “Lawful but Awful” slogan, as well as the “freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach” slogan come straight out of the ADL’s playbook. Here’s what Andrew Torba of free speech platform had to say about all this mess.


“New Twitter policy is freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach.” -Elon Musk 11-18-22

“This isn’t that hard. Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom of reach.” – Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the ADL 4-5-22


Freedom of speech necessarily includes the freedom to reach someone else with that speech. Freedom of speech without freedom of reach as a policy on Twitter is worse than having your Twitter account suspended. At least when that happens you have a sense of achievement that what you were saying mattered and made an impact. So much of an impact that you had to be ejected from the platform completely.

Freedom of speech without freedom of reach is the ultimate form of demoralization.

It is psychological warfare on your mind.

You keep posting and stay hooked on the platform—making Mr. Musk plenty of money from your usage—but your posts go unseen by anyone but yourself. You are allowed to speak but no one can hear you.

Frustrated conservatives on X had plenty to share with Elon after watching his new CEO wield a blowtorch against “free speech.”

“This is censorship, and it’s wrong.”

“And who defines awful @elon
. Hiding Awful is censorship which YOU PROMISED would not happen on X. She will kill X. Is that what you intended?”

“First you failed to deliver the transparency module, now censorship, wow, a total fraud in the Twitter remake. @elonmusk”

“If it’s lawful, how is it determined to be awful?”

“You know if you all go over to GAB, as “icky” as you might think it is, you can say whatever you want and if you find something or someone “Awful” you yourself have to either mute them or block them. This isn’t a social media platform. It’s a glorified fucking Kindergarten.”

Sadly, X has the potential to be even worse than Twitter was during the Jack and Parag Agrawal era. Conservatives were promised a free space to express themselves, backed and protected by the powerful and influential Elon Musk. But this “Lawful but Awful” program feels like a betrayal of that promise. Unless Elon steps in to fix this, X might end up just another “controlled opposition” gaslighting gig, similar to Fox News.