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Just when you think the regime couldn’t sink any lower in desperation and shamelessness, they knock it out of the park with a grand-slam move. If there was ever any doubt that the legal attacks against President Trump are purely political, consider this: one of his four trials is conveniently scheduled right before Super Tuesday. This is the boldest attempt to influence a presidential election since “pandemic mail-in ballots.”

Here’s what conservative influencer Greg Price had to say in a series of posts:

BREAKING: Judge Chutkan has set President Donald Trump’s trial date in the Biden DOJ’s sham prosecution against him to begin March 4, 2024 which is the day before Super Tuesday

Jack Smith wanted the trial to begin in early January. Trump’s legal team wanted to push it to 2026. Instead, the Obama appointed judge sets it to begin the day before the most important day of a presidential primary election.

There’s also 12.8 million pages of discovery that the DOJ dumped on President Trump’s lawyers that they have to go through between now and March of next year. Pour one out for them.

The left argues that this is about the “right to a speedy trial,” but as usual, they’ve got it totally wrong. According to the 6th Amendment, only the accused has the right to a speedy trial. What’s actually happening here is a blatant railroading of President Trump and election interference.
