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Science and medicine turn into weapons of mass destruction when people transition from being caregivers and healers to assuming the role of God. Aside from allowing everyday cross dressers to come crawling out of the woodwork, the trans movement is now targeting children and playing this very twisted and dangerous game of “God” with their body, mind, and spirt.

Investigative journalist Chris Rufo embarked on a compelling journey into the depths of the transgender movement, this time shedding light on it from the unique perspective of doctors rather than that of victims. Chris developed a relationship with an anonymous doctor who eventually felt comfortable opening up and sharing his (her?) thoughts. During their conversation, the doctor elaborated on the topic of puberty blockers and explained how they essential “turn off” everything that makes us human.

Chris shared that very powerful excerpt from his City Journal article in a popular post on X.

The doctor also drew a very interesting comparison between the big “kickoff” of the trans movement to COVID, and explained how the two are actually intertwined.

City Journal:

Christopher Rufo: Please begin by setting the scene. What’s it like in a major children’s hospital in the United States regarding transgender interventions for children?

Physician: I think the best way to answer that question is to talk about the cultural shift that happened in 2020, because transgender ideology and Covid are inextricably linked. Normally, doctors operate by the authority of the professional societies that govern our specific practice. That worked because the individuals in those institutions were reliable, intelligent, and thoughtful. But with Covid in 2020, we started getting medical decrees without peer review or evidence—you saw this with masks, social distancing, and emergency-use authorizations. These decrees were expressed as something that everyone had to do, without justification based on sound science. The other thing was censorship. If you were to ask questions or express doubt about these medical decrees, you would be ostracized within your department, and you stood a good chance of being publicly humiliated, severely reprimanded, or fired.

That’s when transgender ideology really took off. Within these academic institutions, so-called experts in the field of transgender medicine would simply declare that puberty blockers and other interventions were the gold standard of care. The evidence to support this is completely fraudulent, but no dissent was permitted. Everyone within the medical community knew that if he questioned transgender ideology, he would suffer the same type of repercussions that had happened during Covid. The best way to describe the environment would be as an authoritarian, censorious culture that discourages any meaningful debate and encourages the demonization of anyone who asks questions.

Taking a close look at the trans movement kind of makes us feel like we’re back in the days when folks thought lobotomies were a good idea and pregnant women were given thalidomide. The catch is that this isn’t even really about medicine; it’s all politics and ideology. That’s why the regime is pushing so hard to get it woven into the very fabric of our society.

We highly recommend that you read Chris Rufo’s complete article in City Journal. It offers a captivating and essential exploration of the transgender movement and abuse. To access the full piece, click here.