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The DeSantis “reboot” is facing challenges in gaining momentum as Ron struggles to find a balance between satisfying his NeverTrump donors and retaining his MAGA supporters. Tensions escalated when he was questioned about the 2020 election during a heated interview with an NBC News reporter. In the exchange, it appeared that the female journalist gained the upper hand over Ron, and things went off the rails when he was asked who won the election.

Alongside the mess surrounding the 2020 election, Ron finds himself grappling with the goofy Newsom debate – a decision that’s raised eyebrows among PR experts. Why would Team DeSantis put their “presidential” candidate  in a debate with a fellow governor like Newsom, rather than someone like Vivek Ramswamy who is hot on Ron’s trail? What strategic advantage does it bring to pit your candidate against an experienced liar, who might be a progressive lunatic, but possesses the charisma and political charm that your candidate seems to lack? This move seems quite unusual and carries the risk of potentially backfiring on Ron. The entire left wing media is now mocking DeSantis for “chickening out” after all the new “rules” he’s added to the debate, claiming he’s now trying hide his awkwardness and insecurity.



Newsom, a Democrat, sent a formal debate offer to Fox News host Sean Hannity on July 28, outlining his proposal for a possible debate against DeSantis.

DeSantis’ team responded in its own letter to Hannity, dated Friday, saying he’d accept the debate — but only under the following conditions. As NBC News reported:

  • DeSantis suggested four dates from Sept. 19 to Nov. 8, while Newsom proposed two dates in November.
  • DeSantis wanted a live audience with a 50-50 split, while Newsom said “no live audience.”
  • DeSantis doesn’t want opening remarks, while Newsom would like both participants to get four minutes.
  • DeSantis proposed that they each submit a 2-minute video that must be approved by Fox News before it is played at the top of the debate.


Having a live audience could cover up his awkwardness on camera and grant him built-in applause for virtually everything he says, no matter how cruel or absurd. And replacing opening statements with what is essentially a promo video would relegate his primary duty as a politician — communicating  — to some lowly staffer[…]

“Desantis’ counterproposal is littered with crutches to hide his insecurity and ineptitude — swapping opening statements with a hype video, cutting down the time he needs to be on stage, adding cheat notes and a cheering section,” Newsom spokesman Nathan Click said. “Ron should be able to stand on his own two feet. It’s no wonder Trump is kicking his ass.”

DeSantis has very strategically crafted an “anti-woke” persona, even basing his entire presidential campaign on this stance. While this approach is fine, it requires him to embody a very commanding presence and project himself as a formidable warrior. Unfortunately, he has yet to bring that fiery image  to the campaign trail. Instead, DeSantis comes off as awkward and unsure of himself. The likelihood of this debate actually taking place remains uncertain. If it does, DeSantis might face challenges going up against the politically polished Newsom, who is a skilled manipulator. On the other hand, if the debate doesn’t happen, DeSantis risks looking like a “keyboard warrior” who’s great at online fights but can’t confront opponents face-to-face. And that’s not a look that would bode well for a presidential candidate.