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Accidentally letting an outsider win an American election was the biggest blunder the uniparty regime has ever made. It gave Americans a taste of genuine liberty and representation and freedom from the endless wars and destructive deals that have destroyed the middle class. And now that we’ve had that taste, we don’t want to go back the same old slop. But the regime can’t afford that. From day one, they plotted to oust President Trump using every trick in the book — sham impeachments, Russia hoaxes, et cetera. When those tactics failed, they played the COVID card, flooding the system with mail-in ballots to finally evict Trump from the White House. When he still kept fighting they turned January 6th into a fedsurrection trap. Yet they still can’t silence him. The next question is, what desperate moves will they resort to now?

According to Tucker Carlson, things are about to get a helluva lot uglier. With their backs against the wall, Tucker predicts the regime will instigate a losing war with Russia and plunge the nation into Depression-level poverty. Furthermore, he suggests that the regime has no options left but to make an attempt on President Trump’s life.

Yahoo Mail:

Twitter podcaster Tucker Carlson is pounding home the theory that Democrats and the D.C. establishment are plotting to kill Donald Trump, this time claiming that we’re “speeding toward assassination” because “permanent Washington” has decided they “just can’t have” Trump as president again.

Appearing on anti-woke comedian Adam Carolla’s YouTube show this week, Carlson weighed in on his sitdown with Trump that aired on X, the site formerly known as Twitter, last week. That interview was planned by both Carlson and Trump—both of whom have their own grievances with Fox News—as counter-programming to the right-wing network’s GOP presidential primary debate that Trump skipped.

At one point, Carolla asked the former Fox News star what “the future holds” and whether “they are going to let Trump be president,” prompting Carlson to begin raging about the impeachments and criminal indictments the ex-president has faced. And, of course, Carlson also tossed in some Jan. 6 trutherism for good measure.

“They protested him, they called him names. He won anyway. They impeached him twice on ridiculous pretenses,” the far-right nationalist pundit exclaimed. “They fabricated a lot about what happened on January 6 in order to impeach him again. It didn’t work. He came back. Then they indicted him. It didn’t work. He became more popular. Then they indicted him three more times. And every single time his popularity rose.”

Tucker went on to discuss the regime’s probable assassination scheme targeting President Trump. The Yahoo News piece continues:

According to Carlson, the only thing left for the so-called ruling class to do is kill Trump.

“If you begin with criticism, then you go to protest. Then you go to impeachment. Now you go to indictment and none of them work. What’s next?” Carlson said, purely just asking questions. “I mean, you know, graph it out, man! We’re speeding toward assassination, obviously, and no one will say that!”

He added: “I don’t know how you can’t reach that conclusion. You know what it’s been like. They have decided—permanent Washington. Both parties have decided that there’s something about Trump that’s so threatening to them, they just can’t have it.” Carlson’s assertion that Washington elites are conspiring to murder the current GOP presidential frontrunner comes after he posed that very same question to Trump during their friendly Twitter chat.

It really forces you to sit and wonder what kinds of secrets these tyrants have kept from us for so long that they’d go to such extreme measures to conceal them. This next year could be one of the most terrifying in the history of our nation. Our win in 2016 (and 2020) has them so spooked, they’d rather bring everything crashing down than let it happen again. Both this nation and President Trump need our prayers now more than ever.