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“I want her life destroyed,” said the mother of a black family whose children were allegedly mistreated at an apartment complex pool — where they didn’t belong — in North Carolina. The family is now determined to take down the manager of the complex who was caught on video behaving inappropriately towards two kids. In the footage, the manager, identified as Kimberly Jennings, can be seen slapping a young boy and pouring soda on his head. Kimberly, who has since apologized for her actions, explained that the child was a repeat trespasser and became “mouthy” when asked to leave.

Clearly, the child’s “mouthiness” is no excuse for the woman’s alleged actions. However, the so-called “racist” element of this story is less clear-cut. From what we can gather, it seems to be a situation involving a bratty child and an ill-advised woman where the woman may have crossed a legal line by laying hands on someone else’s child.

The legal situation certainly raises an interesting point — at what point did society come to believe that bratty children should be given more deference than community elders? There’s an interesting passage from the Old Testament book Isaiah that is relevant here:

Isaiah 3:12: As for My people, children are their oppressors, And women rule over them. O My people! Those who lead you cause you to err, And destroy the way of your paths.

There was a time that, rather than press charges against an elderly woman who clearly just lost her temper, the parents would have given their bratty children an even worse scolding and whipping at home.

Instead, the family is having a conniption fit and vowing to destroy the old lady’s life.

Atlanta Black Star (emphasis ours):

“She decided to assault them. She humiliated them and embarrassed him. There’s more layers to this,” Daniels told WXII this week. “It’s not just children that are in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is a bad seed. It’s racist, prejudiced, and the apartment complex knew that she had a tendency to lie and mistreat Black folk.”

Robert Lee-Eury, the father of the two kids, said the pool is close their home, and that’s why the kids went to cool off that day.

‘Grandma allowed them to go to the pool because it’s literally right in the next complex through the field, less than a two-minute walk,’ said Robert Lee-Eury, according to the Daily Mail.

The children’s mother, Joella Lee-Eurysaid she wants “to see something done for justice for my children and any other children that she may have hurt or discriminated against.”

After the incident, the mother said, “I want her fired. I want her life destroyed. I want her to have nothing and be nothing like she made my kids feel.”

To add insult into injury, the usual ambulance-chasing race lawyers are now trying to twist this whole situation into a substantial payout — or worse. As we mentioned earlier, race hustling lawyer Ben Crump, the new “Al Sharpton,” is representing the family.

Yahoo News:

An apartment manager at a Greensboro, North Carolina, complex is under fire after being accused of assaulting two children on the premises.

The children’s parents are preparing to launch a federal lawsuit against the owners and operators of the apartments that the 62-year-old worked for, alleging that she violated their civil rights.

The complaint comes after the Greensboro Police Department arrested the woman and charged her with two counts of simple assault on a child under 12.

Eleven-year-old Jace Lee-Eury and his sister Jayla were visiting friends on Aug. 3 for fun in the apartment complex’s pool when they encountered the property manager, Kimberly Jennings, his parents say.

According to witnesses and the young girl, Jennings struck the girl after an altercation.

“She slapped me and then my brother came and splashed water on her,” Jayla Lee-Eury, 8,  said to WXII 12. The boy reportedly defended his sister by splashing water on the woman, who retaliated by pouring Coca-Cola on him.

A video of the alleged assault was shared on social media and went viral. In the clip, Jennings is seen drenching the boy with soda.  After dousing the child with the cola, she smacked him in the face twice.

Civil rights attorney Ben Crump, Harry Daniels, and Jason Keith are representing the interests of the Lee-Eury family, and plan to assist them in suing Sedgefield Gardens and Sedgefield Realty Company LLC.

The family is suing for discrimination, assault, and emotional distress and is requesting the case to be tried in court. They also want a jury to determine the amount of compensation they should receive.

In this day and age, it’s surprising they haven’t charged her with a “hate crime” yet.

Attorneys for Jace Lee-Eury, the Black 11-year-old assaulted and humiliated by 62-year-old Kimberly Jennings at the Sedgefield Gardens apartment complex pool in Greensboro, NC, filed a federal a federal lawsuit against Jennings, the Sedgefield Gardens and Sedgefield Realty Company, LLC. The incident has prompted local demonstrations and national outcry after video of Jennings pouring a soda over Lee-Eury before hitting him twice in the face went viral earlier this month. Lee-Eury and his sister are represented by renowned national civil rights attorneys Harry Daniels and Ben Crump as well as Greensboro attorney Jason Keith. According to the lawsuit, Lee-Eury and his 8-year-old sister visited the Sedgefield Gardens pool on August 2 when Jennings, who has been the manager at Sedgefield Gardens for the last three years, confronted the pair and began to bully and berate them. During that confrontation, Jennings pulled the girl’s hair before pouring a soda over Lee-Eury and hitting him twice in the face.

The narrative has been set by the left.

The Parents of the 8yr old child who was assaulted SUE Kimberly Jennings the Apartment Manager Who hit, Poured Drink on Black child’s Head & Hurled Racial Slurs A 60yr old white cave cricket in Greensboro, NC slapped and poured soda on two Black kids at the pool. Another RACIST who likes to abuse black children & She has been arrested What would you have done if this was your child ???

The right thing here would be for the boy to apologize for being a brat, the woman to apologize for losing her temper and lashing out in anger, and for both sides move on with their lives.