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Uganda is not interested in allowing the LGBTQ+++ movement to overtake their entire country and culture and groom children into becoming pint-sized gender-confused soldiers in the rainbow army. So, they’ve taken what many critics call “extreme” and “harsh” measures to curb the growth of the movement that is wreaking so much havoc, chaos, and disfunction in other parts of the world. President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda signed a very tough anti-gay bill into law that orders the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality,” defined as same-sex relations involving HIV-positive people, children or other vulnerable people. Joe Biden quickly chastised the country, demanding the bill be immediately overturned.

It should be noted that same-sex relations were already illegal in Uganda, so Biden’s blustering is just more political theatre.


Biden said he had directed the National Security Council to evaluate the implications of the law on all aspects of U.S. engagement with Uganda, including the ability to safely deliver services under the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief and other forms of assistance and investments.

“And we are considering additional steps, including the application of sanctions and restriction of entry into the United States against anyone involved in serious human rights abuses or corruption,” Biden said.

When Uganda stood its ground, Biden responded by discontinuing all funding to the country through his hand-picked proxy at the helm of the World Bank. The President of Uganda remains resolute and has told the World Bank, and effectively to Joe Biden, to go F themselves.

Here’s what popular African reporter Simon Ateba, who’s constantly targeted and censored by the Biden press room had to say in his tweet:

BREAKING: President @KagutaMuseveni of Uganda tells President @JoeBiden appointed @WorldBank President to go eff..himself after he suspended any loan to the African nation over anti-gay law. Biden, a Catholic who goes to church, has been trying to impose same-sex relationships to Africa using sanctions or institutions like the World Bank.

Museveni wrote, “Last night, an official from the World Bank rang me to alert me about the statement from that Bank regarding the suspension of any new requests from Uganda for loans. I want to inform everybody, starting with Ugandans, that Uganda will develop with or without loans.”

This situation serves as a stark reminder of why the concept of “digital currency” is so terrifying. If you engage in “wrong think,” you could easily find yourself isolated from the global community and society at large, all with a simple press of a button.

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