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President Trump is on fire, and the more the regime and the GOP establishment come after him the more powerful he becomes. The American people are no longer fooled by these politically-weaponized witch-hunts that consistently target Trump. A prime example of this double standard is evident in Biden’s DOJ attempting to shield crackhead Hunter Biden by seeking the imprisonment of his former business partner just a day before he’s scheduled to testify before Congress. Matt Gaetz is raising hell over this issue.

Maria covered it on her Sunday show:

At the end of the day, Americans don’t like to be told what to do and who to vote for. The sweet smell of rebellion is in the air, and nowhere was it stronger than in Pennsylvania on Saturday night when the world’s biggest political rockstar took the stage in Erie, where the crowd was riled up and ready to go before they even got in the door.

Trump’s opponents feverishly tried to downplay Trump’s crowd, with some saying only a “few thousand” showed up. One tactic they love is take video hours before the rally and spread it around as if to say, “Trump’s lost his mojo.” It never works, but they still keep doing it.

Looks like more than a “few thousand,” right?

Some opponents also tried to claim nobody was streaming the rally. That also was not true.

In reality, Trump’s crowd (and the overflow) set venue records, as reported by DC Enquirer. It was a truly historic night, and you can only imagine how the DC swampers, attempting to halt Trump, were frozen in fear by the sight of that lively and energetic crowd…

Trump’s rally overflowed the “Erie Insurance Arena,” which seats over 9,000 people, according to the Erie Insurance Arena’s About page. While thousands came out to attend the Erie rally, thousands more viewed the event online. Over 760,000 people viewed the event via Right Side Broadcasting Network’s stream on Rumble with an additional 430,000 viewing the event on Trump’s personal Rumble page.

Trump’s rally attendance likely outperformed all other artists who played at the Erie Insurance Area such as Elton John, Rod Stewart, Cher, KISS, Barry Manilow, and Alan Jackson.

Amazing crowd.

Huge overflow as well.

When folks got inside, the house was packed and full of energy, and that sweet smell of rebellion was everywhere…

It’s 2023, and there’s still nothing funner than a Trump rally!

And of course, the crowd went wild when Trump took the stage:

Trump, ever the showman, took aim at GOP political rival Ron DeSantis. For Trump, “loyalty” matters, and he feels DeSantis turned on him.

Imagine if everyone dropped out and did this?

However, Trump’s primary focus was on the puppet who was installed in the White House and is currently wreaking havoc on the country from within. As the only GOP candidate vigorously advocating for peace, Trump launched a verbal bomb on Biden that struck a chord with many people.

President Trump has once again made protecting kids his number one priority by stopping the leftists from sexualizing and brainwashing our nation’s kids.

Trump knows he has a lot of work ahead of him — Biden has literally crushed this country into dust. But the good news is that President Trump has a plan and we all know he’s the man who can execute it.

Trump’s main and most crucial message was crystal clear: We have one last chance to save this country, and it’s in 2024. We must conquer all the obstacles the Dems throw our way and secure this victory; otherwise, it’s game over.


The good news is that nearly ever poll out there has Trump leading the entire field by a huge margin.

The night in Erie, PA, was truly epic, magical, and filled with hope. It also reaffirmed Trump’s leadership and rockstar status within the Republican Party, just in case anyone had forgotten.

You can watch the entire speech here: