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If you believe that the world has reached the peak of craziness and cannot possibly get any worse, brace yourself because we’re about to shock you. A recent story from the UK has taken the entire “gender confusion” debacle to an entirely new level of disturbing madness. According to new guidance from the Crown Prosecution Service, it is now considered “domestic abuse” to withhold financial support for your partner’s gender transition.

You either suck it up and essentially pay to become a makeshift homosexual or go to jail. Your choice, bigot.

Here are more details on this new “guidance.”

Daily Sceptic:

Spouses who refuse to fund their partner’s gender change surgery may be committing domestic abuse, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) says in new guidance. The Telegraph has more.

The CPS has listed nine types of behaviour which could amount to abuse of trans or non-binary people by their partners or members of their family.

These include “withholding money for transitioning”, which would include either spouse refusing to pay for gender surgery, counselling or other treatment in a way that amounted to coercive control or abuse.

Other behaviours could be “criticising the victim for not being ‘a real man/woman’ if they have not undergone reassignment surgery”, or “threatening or sharing pre-transition images”, or refusing to use his or her preferred name or pronoun.

The guidance has, however, been criticised by the Women’s Rights Network (WRN), which campaigns for the sex-based rights of women.

The group has written to Max Hill, the head of the CPS, citing the guidance as “detrimental to women’s trust and confidence” in the service.

Heather Binning, founder of WRN, said: “How on earth can reluctance to pay for elective, unnecessary surgery from family finances be cited as an example of domestic abuse by anyone, let alone the CPS?

“The same document states that correctly referring to a family member’s sex is also abuse. This completely ignores the difficulties and emotions many people experience when a family member identifies as something they clearly are not.”
The guidance also claims that “gender identity is what you know your gender to be and can only be decided by the individual for themselves”. This is a wholly subjective concept of gender, of course, floating free from all connection to reality.

It adds: “Gender identity is not the same as sexuality; trans and non-binary people identify as heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, asexual and aromatic, amongst other identities.”

Needless to say, this new “guidance” has a lot of people up in arms. One lawyer in the comments section of that video had this to say: “Hi Andrew — retired lawyer here. That sounds like absolute twaddle — if your spouse declared themselves transgender it would, for most if not all couples, create an irreconcilable difference — which is a ground for divorce.” Spoken like a true sane person. However, the left doesn’t care how far-fetched all of this may sound; their objective is simply to inundate the court systems and the media with these nonsense.