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Isn’t it strange and somewhat unsettling that the U.S. political establishment downright despises a popular leader who listens to his people’s needs and is working towards making his country safe and great again? Does this ring a bell? This time, we’re not talking about President Trump. We’re actually referring to El Salvador President Nayib Bukele, whose crackdown on gang violence has been tremendously successful — and maybe that’s why the establishment hates him, because he’s showing the world how to eradicate filth and vermin: build a massive prison, lock up the bad guys and throw away the key.

El Salvador just went from the highest murder rate to the highest incarceration rate.

Wall Street Journal (emphasis ours):

El Salvador, long whipsawed by gang violence that made it one of the world’s most dangerous countries, turned things around by jailing huge swaths of its population. The country once known for having the world’s highest murder rate now has the world’s highest incarceration rate—about double that of the U.S.

Since March 2022, President Nayib Bukele’s government has implemented a campaign to arrest en masse suspected members of the MS-13 and 18th Street gangs that have long terrorized the impoverished Central American nation, blocking economic growth and stoking U.S.-bound migration.

The strategy has helped lower homicides by 92% compared with 2015, giving Bukele the support of nine of every 10 Salvadorans, polls show. The number of Salvadorans illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border has dropped by 44%.

It also has put some 68,000 people in this Massachusetts-size country of 6.3 million behind bars. That’s more than 1% of the population, according to World Prison Brief, an online database on correctional systems. Rights groups said the campaign has swept up innocent people, especially among the country’s poor and indigenous communities, who are held for long periods in harsh conditions without trial.

Responding to allegations of prisoner mistreatment, Bukele during a cabinet meeting in October said, “Yes, they’ll have human rights. But the human rights of honest people are more important.”

Just copy what he’s doing, right? Latin America is waking up, will the USA? Doubtful. After all, Biden snubbed a visit from Bukele back in 2021. Insiders told NBC News that Biden has “serious concerns” about Bukele’s respect for the rule of law and democracy. It’s hard to read that without laughing.

Meanwhile, Bukele’s approval rating is about 91% and Joe Biden’s is in the 30s. The WSJ piece continues.

The U.S. has been scrambling to manage a flood of migrants driven northward by endemic violence and poverty.

Detentions of Salvadorans, once one of the largest groups trying to cross the southwestern border, illegally crossing have dropped to about 36,500 in the eight months through May of this fiscal year from more than 65,000 in the same period a year earlier, just before the campaign began.

Other countries are watching El Salvador’s policies as they grapple with their own high murder rates.

Ecuadoreans, one of the largest nationalities heading to the U.S., have seen the homicide rate in their country quadruple from 2019 through 2022. Some politicians, such as Cynthia Viteria, who until May served as mayor of the violent Ecuadorean city of Guayaquil, encouraged Ecuador’s government to mimic the Salvadoran leader’s policies to bring down crime and stop the killing of police officers.

“It’s simple, just copy him. Do what Bukele’s doing,” she said in September. “The solutions are out there, for those who have the guts to implement them.”

President Bukele has transformed one of the world’s most dangerous countries, completely altering its course. You’d think that the United States would want to replicate Bukele’s success, right? You’d expect the U.S. to reach out to him, learn from his strategies, and understand his recipe for success, right? Wrong. The establishment political apparatus has nothing but scorn for a man who enjoys a 90+ approval rating from his people and who has effectively eradicated gang violence that literally plagued his country.

Now, what does that reaction tell you about the American establishment? Scary.