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There’s a lot of truth behind the stereotype that women don’t like other women, and now we have the data to back it up. If we are to believe research from Charles Sturt University in Australia, some women are actually sabotaging other, prettier women every chance they get.

Gal pals are so intensely petty that they actually give out bad beauty advice to undermine each other’s attractiveness. Meow.

Here’s a closeup of the excerpt:


In other words, the more naturally beautiful the woman and the more beautiful her hair, the more hair the hairdresser chopped off. Also, the more equal in attractiveness the two women, the more the hairdresser tried to sabotage the client!

However, the situation gets worse for women. The research paper proceeds to show even darker examples of the so-called gentler gender’s intensely competitive strategies.

Female Intrasexual Competition:

The final study explored conspicuous consumption as a female competitive strategy using women’s spending on non-essential items in two different scenarios – in preparation for a women-only social event to be hosted in their home, and at a charity function. In the first scenario high intrasexual competitiveness resulted in an increase in spending on all three items – the kitchen, the outfit and makeup. Women between 35 and 45 years of age spent more if they had children, but the sexes of the children did not make a difference. In the second study, giving to a charity increased with intrasexual competitiveness, perception of judgement by the women around them and whether there was an audience. Women were compelled to buy more tickets when the women around them spent more. We explain these findings in terms of manipulative consumption in which wealthier women seek to deplete the resources of rivals. Across this thesis I compare ways in which women compete with rivals and highlight how competitor manipulation (in various forms), though less-explored, is likely to be as important as self-promotion and derogation as an effective female intrasexual competitive strategy

Well, if anything, this study may shed some light on the current “female-centric” world we live in and why it’s riddled with chaos and division. It also may provide insight as to why so many business initiatives led by women have fallen apart. Examples are everywhere, including the nightmares that unfolded at companies like Bud Light and Disney thanks to female-dominated (or even exclusively female) leadership teams.