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Do you remember Nina Jankowicz? She’s the eccentric lady who came close to becoming Biden’s “Minister of Truth,” suppressing any American who dared to disagree with the regime’s totalitarian agenda. Her plans to silence political dissidents came to a screeching halt when it was discovered that she’s just another Stage 5 TDS hack. It was hard to take her seriously, especially when she strained herself bending the truth about social media censorship. Nina suggested that it’s actually liberals who are the ones being silenced. It’s amazing that she could say that with a straight face.
This lady is absolutely full of shit, lol
RT @SKMorefield: Here’s Nina Jankowicz, the Mary Poppins lady over at the “Ministry of Truth,” claiming that “liberal voices are being silenced” on social media. Now that’s some Grade A gaslighting right there. ?
— Bleezy (@blairpg77) May 7, 2022
Curiously, Nina recently registered as a “foreign agent.”
Nina Jankowicz, who sang Mary Poppins on TikTok and was going to be in charge of monitoring disinformation and censoring US citizens, has now registered as a foreign agent.
— Maxwell Meyer (@mualphaxi) November 23, 2022
Also, those infamous Mary Poppins show tunes she sang didn’t help her cause either.
A singing billboard of insanity ?Meet the head of "ministry of truth" Nina Jankowicz ?PS: Remember, government never gives up voluntarily the power they grabbed !
— VeBee??✝️ (@VeBo1991) April 29, 2022
Well, guess who’s back? Nina Jankowicz is here once again, and this time she’s sounding the alarm about a recent ruling from a Trump-appointed judge in Louisiana. The judge put a stop to Biden’s regime working with social media to silence and censor American voices. But according to Nina, trampling on Americans’ First Amendment rights is somehow “democracy,” and not doing so would utterly devastate the regime.
More specifically, it would injure the regime’s ability to fix the upcoming 2024 election or force vaccine mandates.
Nina Jankowicz, a specialist in disinformation campaigns, told the Guardian that an injunction imposed by a federal judge on Tuesday against key federal agencies and officials blocking their communication with tech platforms could unleash false information in critical areas of public life. She said that election denialism and anti-vaccine propaganda could be the beneficiaries.
“This is a weaponisation of the court system. It is an intentional and purposeful move to disrupt the work that needs to be done ahead of the 2024 election, and it’s really chilling,” she said.
Nina has quite the sense of humor. She now insists that everything the government has done is not really “censorship.” It’s almost as funny as her claim that it’s the liberals who are facing “censorship” on social media. Maybe Nina should be a comedian?
Emphasis ours:
Jankowicz was initially named as a defendant in the Louisiana-Missouri case but was removed from the suit on grounds that she no longer has a governmental role. In April 2022, she was appointed to lead a new Department of Homeland Security unit devoted to combating online conspiracy theories and false information.
The board was shut down days later, after it came under a massive storm of rightwing criticism accusing it of censoring conservative speech. She believes that was the start of an orchestrated rightwing campaign that culminated with this week’s court order.
“They got a win in shutting us down, so why would they stop there?” she told the Guardian in an interview. “This is why the lawsuit continues – because they’ve won – and nobody knows how to deal with it.”
The disinformation expert predicted that one of the most insidious effects of the the ruling would be a rash of self-censorship on the part of civil servants. They will stop doing their jobs “because they don’t want to be on the end of a lawsuit like this”.
Jankowicz added that “nothing that the government has been doing is actually censorship. The claims that all this legal action is based upon are absolutely false. I think this is a really dark moment for the United States that such a broad injunction would be granted.”
Quelle despair.
Nina also believes that if you criticize the government, it’s HARASSMENT.
Emphasis ours:
Academic researchers have also been targeted in the Republican push. The injunction prohibits government agencies from collaborating with the Election Integrity Partnership, an alliance of researchers at Stanford University and the University of Washington who since 2020 have focused on disinformation related to federal elections.
“The fact that they would name these specific institutions is going to increase harassment towards them and stop them from doing the important work they’ve done for years to protect democracy,” Jankowicz said.
Spoken like a true Eastern European commie-style commissar. It’s too bad Nina was born a little too late to realize her true calling: Communist Party collaborationist official in the Soviet-occupied Polish government.
Nina’s definition of “quality information” seems to involve Fauci, Biden, and other self-proclaimed regime-approved “experts” spreading misinformation and contradictory statements on crucial matters like COVID, vaccines, and gender-mutilation surgeries. Fortunately, there are still sane voices in our nation who are standing up against the misguided ideology propagated by the left. Even Utah’s very liberal RINO governor is calling out the phony science.
? Utah Gov. Spencer Cox Calls Out the American Academy of Pediatrics & American Medical Association as ‘Politicized’ Groups
“On this issue [gender-affirming care] it’s impossible to get unbiased information out of the United States”@GovCox
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) July 9, 2023
We’ve won a few key battles, but there’s still a lot of work to be done in order to put an end to this radical left-wing Mary Poppins mentality that’s killing our rights and freedoms.
The full hilarious Guardian story is here.
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