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Matthew Graves, the D.C. District Attorney appointed by Biden, is more focused on serving Joe’s political agenda than addressing the real crime and suffering plaguing the capital. D.C. under his watch is a cesspool of crime, dysfunction, drug abuse, and hopelessness. Graves’ attention is keenly focused on punishing political dissenters, particularly those involved in the January 6th protest-turned-riot, and protecting the Biden family, rather than protecting D.C.’s citizens (more on that below).


The latest shenanigans involving Matthew Graves involve a plot to coverup the shenanigans of Joe and Hunter Biden, as exposed by the brave whistleblower Gary Shapley on Wednesday. The headline from National Review says everything you need to know: “Biden-Appointed D.C. U.S. Attorney Quashed Hunter’s Felony Tax Charges, IRS Whistleblower Testifies.”

National Review:

IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley testified Wednesday that the U.S. attorney for D.C., who was appointed by President Biden, had final say over whether charges would be brought against Hunter Biden and that the Biden appointee was the one who made the call not to charge the younger Biden with a felony.

Shapley, who worked as an IRS investigator for over ten years and oversaw the agency’s tax investigation into Hunter Biden, told the House Oversight Committee that despite Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss claiming he had ultimate authority over the investigation that in fact D.C. U.S. attorney Matthew Graves was in charge.

“After U.S. Attorney for D.C. Matthew Graves, appointed by President Biden, refused to bring charges, I watched Mr. Weiss tell a room full of senior FBI and IRS investigators on October 7, 2022, that he was ‘not the deciding person on whether charges are filed,’” Shapley said.

Graves’s wife, Fatima Gross Graves, has visited the White House at least 28 times since Biden took office. In the first three months of 2023 alone Graves, a vocal liberal activist, visited the White House ten times. [Revolver: more on Goss Graves below]

Shapley’s testimony was powerful and it shined a bright light on just how dangerous and disingenuous Graves truly is:

Brave Whistleblower Gary Shapley says Biden’s DOJ allowed the President’s political appointees to weigh in on whether to charge the President’s son.

“After U.S. Attorney for D.C. Matthew Graves, appointed by President Biden, refused to bring charges, I watched Mr. Weiss tell a room full of senior FBI and IRS investigators on October 7, 2022, that he was ‘not the deciding person on whether charges are filed.’”

Listen to his powerful testimony


The reason that Graves is unwilling to focus on doing his job and protecting the people of D.C. is because he’s far too preoccupied doing dirty work for the Biden regime. That’s precisely what IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley testified to under oath.

Revolver has closely tracked Biden’s D.C. lackey Matthew Graves’ controversial conduct in the short time he’s graced D.C. with his presence as the chief prosecutor in the city. We published a piece on the shocking instance where a black man who threatened a white father and his son with a gun received a sweet plea deal, all thanks to Graves.


Washington D.C. ranks as one of the most dangerous cities in America. This is hardly surprising, considering the Democrat DA, Matthew Graves, seems to be sidestepping actual crime to focus on the political persecution of non-violent January 6th participants. In the meantime, innocent civilians are being attacked by emboldened criminals — many of whom are specifically targeting white people, including white toddlers, as in this recent case involving a black thug named Gregory Gibson, who told a 4-year-old white child to sit down and that he was going to kill him.

Gregory Gibson, of Rosharon, Texas, was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon and possession of a firearm during a crime of violence, the station said.

Within days, however, WRC said the U.S. Attorney’s Office offered Gibson a plea deal that he accepted — and on Monday he pleaded guilty to attempted assault and carrying a pistol without a license. The station said Gibson’s recommended sentence is 24 months behind bars.

Jablonski was not happy.

“I told them I didn’t want them to offer any plea, I wanted to go to trial, and I would do whatever they needed to make sure that they were prepared,” he told WRC. “I mean, I gave them the video, I’m the eyewitness in it. They told me that they have to consider their resources.”

What’s more, Gibson was released from custody until sentencing — over the prosecutor’s objections, the station said.

However, that’s not all. Revolver also reported on the tragic killing of a 25-year-old Catholic man from Kentucky who was visiting D.C. If it wasn’t for Graves, that young man would still be alive.


If you’re looking for a stark example of how politically weaponized our judicial system has become, thanks to the regime, look no further than what just unfolded in the D.C. Swamp. D.C. U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves is so preoccupied with prosecuting MAGA grandparents that he appears to be willfully ignoring real threats; allowing actual killers to walk free and murder innocent people. That’s precisely what just happened in the case of a 25-year-old Kentucky teacher who came to D.C. for a training program at a Catholic university. His life was brutally taken by the same violent man who DA Graves allowed to walk free. Jaime Maceo, a repeat offender, was just released by DA Graves after Graves dropped all charges related to him shooting at his neighbor. Fast forward a month, and that same savage beast murdered 25-year-old Maxwell Emerson as he casually strolled across the Catholic university campus.

Moreover, Graves’ wife Fatima Goss Graves is an extreme left-wing feminist and DEI activist who runs a $100 million Democratic slush fund and has an all-access pass to the White House.

Fatima Goss Graves


[A] woman named Fatima Goss Graves […] has one of the worst Valley Girl vocal fries we’ve ever heard. Chances are you’ve never heard of her, but she’s actually a pretty big player in the D.C. swamp. She’s a hardcore radical left-wing feminist, a CNN contributor, an activist who runs a $100 million dollar progressive nonprofit, and she just so happens to be the wife of Matthew Graves, the D.C. U.S. attorney who is on a feverish witch hunt to imprison American citizens who attended the January 6th rally.


Goss Graves recently penned a far-left hate screed calling Moms For Liberty a terrorist “hate group” in the pages of the “Philadelphia Gay News”.


[Goss Graves] also co-founded the TIME’S UP Legal Defense Fund that ran the #MeToo psychological operation. Unsurprisingly, she was also a Ford Foundation fellow. Her whole life, she has been a Frankenstein-style creation of the Regime.

That vocal fry (plus uptalk)…

Quote: “I’m excited that I’m able to bring a legal hat and an advocate hat to my work in a rich and vibrant movement that is re-energizing and driving meaningful change for women in this countryyyyyyyyyyyy.”

Here’s the hate screed:

At what point do these crooked regime soldiers like Mathew Graves get removed from their post so the good people of D.C. can get the protection and support they actually deserve?