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In what can only be described a twisted homicidal frenzy, an arena packed to the rafters with members of South Africa’s ‘black party’ dance feverishly while singing about killing white people. The video is so disturbing, that Elon Musk, a South African, has actually spoken out, calling this “white genocide.”

Gateway Pundit:

On Saturday, Julius Malema, the leader of the far-left Economic Freedom Fighter (EFF) party, led a huge crowd in chants of “Kill the Boer.” The term Boer is an Afrikaan and Durtch referring to white farmers.

As the Gateway Pundit has reported previously, white farmers are facing potential genocide thanks to “leaders” like Malema. His supporters say they are ready to kill or die for the white-owned land.

The video shows Malema dancing and and then he begins singing in Afrikaans before switching to English. He can be heard shouting the following words multiple times:

Shoot to kill. Kill the Boer! The farmer!

He concludes his sick rant by making gun noises. The bloodthirsty audience echoes his cries throughout.

Shockingly, there has been no wide spread international condemnation of this despicable blood-thirsty act. Elon Musk did tag the President of South Africa in his tweet, asking him why he has said nothing about this sickening display of hate and racism. As of now, the president has not responded.

As these savage individuals celebrate death through their singing and dancing, their entire country is imploding. Once-beautiful South Africa has transformed into a chaotic situation with increasing violence against whites, leading many to flee the country. Revolver has been covering what’s happening to South Africa and the killing and abuse against the white farmers, at length.


The meltdown in South Africa isn’t a natural disaster or a random fluke. It’s a choice. South Africa was the first modern nation to be refounded on the anti-white principles of Critical Race Theory, and now it is reaping the whirlwind of that choice.

South Africa did everything that is being done in America right now. As a hyperdiverse multiethnic, multilingual society, South Africa has followed almost every prescription embraced by the globalist ruling class.

This is about more than riots. This wave of violence will eventually peter out. But there is no reason to be optimistic when that happens. There will be no sense of having survived a calamity, and having a chance to rebuild. When this wave of burning and looting and killing are over, there is nothing to look forward to but the next wave.

The specter of doom hangs over South Africa. The optimism that peaked when the country hosted the 2010 World Cup is now gone. Despite being warned for years about failing water infrastructure, local governments ignored the problem and now the country has routine, severe water crises. South Africa began experiencing rolling blackouts in 2007, and has battled them ever since. Even the government says the blackouts will likely continue for at least five more years. Hint: Bet your money that they last even longer.

READ MORE: South Africa — The First Country Built on “Critical Race Theory” — Officially Implodes

It’s encouraging to see Elon Musk taking a bold stance on this horrific issue. However, at this point, the innocent white people of South Africa need a lot more than just tweets to help  them. Let’s hope this video serves as a catalyst for Elon. There is a lot he can do to drive meaningful change and offer support to the people being persecuted by this abhorrent hate.