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Washington D.C. ranks as one of the most dangerous cities in America. This is hardly surprising, considering the Democrat DA, Matthew Graves, seems to be sidestepping actual crime to focus on the political persecution of non-violent January 6th participants. In the meantime, innocent civilians are being attacked by emboldened criminals — many of whom are specifically targeting white people, including white toddlers, as in this recent case involving a black thug named Gregory Gibson, who told a 4-year-old white child to sit down and that he was going to kill him.

Here are even more details on this disturbing case.

The Blaze:

Surveillance video caught the scary scene as a gunman walked into a Washington, D.C., pub one afternoon late last month and attacked the owner in front of his 4-year-old son, WRC-TV reported.

The owner said the gunman repeatedly told him, “Sit down, white boy, I’m gonna end you,” the station reported, adding that the attacker has since received a plea deal.

The victim is furious, since he specifically asked that the defendant not be offered a plea deal. To make matters worse, the violent racist was released from custody. The Blaze story continues:

Gregory Gibson, of Rosharon, Texas, was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon and possession of a firearm during a crime of violence, the station said.

Within days, however, WRC said the U.S. Attorney’s Office offered Gibson a plea deal that he accepted — and on Monday he pleaded guilty to attempted assault and carrying a pistol without a license. The station said Gibson’s recommended sentence is 24 months behind bars.

Jablonski was not happy.

“I told them I didn’t want them to offer any plea, I wanted to go to trial, and I would do whatever they needed to make sure that they were prepared,” he told WRC. “I mean, I gave them the video, I’m the eyewitness in it. They told me that they have to consider their resources.”

What’s more, Gibson was released from custody until sentencing — over the prosecutor’s objections, the station said.

Jablonski added to WRC that the whole thing started because Gibson claimed to be an Uber Eats driver but had no proof of a pickup order. An Uber spokesperson said the food delivery company has no record of Gibson working for it, the station noted.

This violent madman roams the streets freely, while non-violent grandparents continue to languish in the D.C. jail. The Swamp is a cesspool of immorality, communism, and an agenda that is unjust and anti-American, and sadly, this same exact system is coming to a town near you, if these radical Democrats aren’t stopped.

Recently, a Matthew Graves decision led to a Catholic visitor to D.C. losing his life to a violent thug.

Read More: DC US Attorney Matthew Graves’ latest “political play” costs 25-year-old Catholic man his life…

Graves is also choosing to appeal the sentence handed down to the Oath Keepers — apparently 18 years for some braggadocious text messages is not enough. Liberal prosecutors apparently believe this is part of an anticipated move to go after President Trump, and possibly Alex Jones and others, and throw them in prison for the rest of his life. Graves also wants 70-year-old Navy vet Thomas Caldwell to die in jail despite the fact he never even stepped foot in D.C.

Read More: Attorney Matthew Graves wants a 70-year-old Navy vet to die in prison…

Meanwhile, Graves’ wife, Fatima Goss Graves, just happens to be a black female lawyer and radical feminist activist who has an “all-access pass” to the White House and runs a $100 million dollar progressive nonprofit slush fund promotes industrial-scale abortion, the transgender ideology, universal basic income, universal healthcare, and racial “equity”.

Read More: More January 6 dots are connected and a radical woman named Fatima Goss Graves has emerged…

Fatima Goss Graves.

Matthew Graves is the thumb head on the scale of justice in our great nation. What a disgrace.