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Journalist and filmmaker Mike Cernovich, who was an early supporter of Ron DeSantis and a vocal critic of President Trump, tried to assist the DeSantis campaign in formulating a viable strategy to counter Trump and run a successful 2024 campaign against him. However, he claims that his advice was either disregarded or implemented too late, leading to missed opportunities. Mike made this revelation while responding to a tweet from a follower asking him if DeSantis could pick up steam. Mike response starts with “No,” and then he goes on to explain more.

According to Mike, the biggest blunder DeSantis made was aligning himself with NeverTrumpers who haven’t found a recipe for success. Mike strongly believes that aligning with these “disgusting losers” proved to be a major misstep for DeSantis.

A recent article from National Pulse features Erick Erickson, a staunch NeverTrumper in 2016 who did not vote for Trump. Erickson reluctantly admits to voting for Trump in 2020, but he quickly turned on him once again after January 6th.

Erickson expressed his frustrations on Twitter, criticizing the management of the DeSantis campaign and highlighting its current struggles. According to him, nobody knows how to fix it.

National Pulse:

Center-right media personality and Ron DeSantis cheerleader Erick Erickson took to Twitter Saturday afternoon to admit the existence of “ongoing threads of frustration” about the Florida governor’s campaign in a “number of group chats and email lists,” of which he is a member.

The tweet also appears to confirm the existence of pro-DeSantis group chats amongst media personalities and political types, though no further details about membership of said groups was offered.

“I’m on a number of group chats, email lists, etc., and all of them are dealing with ongoing threads of frustration about the DeSantis campaign,” Erickson, an early “NeverTrumper” from 2016 wrote.

“The perception is settling in that something needs to happen, but everyone has a different opinion on what to do,” he concluded.

The hardline DeSantis pundits, like former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis, are calling out Steve Cortes for publicly admitting the DeSantis campaign is struggling.

The news follows months of National Pulse reporting on the calamitous nature of the DeSantis campaign, connected with its hodge-podge of advisors who believe in amnesty, are embroiled in active lawsuits against their campaign work, and whose own family members have publicly rebuked their political decisions.

Erickson has been one of the few people Ron DeSantis has interviewed with, and has used his column inches and air time to promote the Florida governor’s presidential campaign repeatedly.

UPDATE: Jenna Ellis, another DeSantis booster, has confirmed the claims and thrown shade at Never Back Down PAC spokesman Steve Cortes for admitting the campaign is behind.

Mike Cernovich now says he was wrong when he said Trump had “0 shot” and Republicans should go with “DeSantis in 2024 or accept total defeat.”

Whether true or not, Mike’s analysis on the DeSantis campaign’s biggest mistake is certainly supported by recent polling showing the DeSantis campaign has suffered from a failure to launch.