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Globalist regimes around the world have been desperately trying to suppress and silence conservative nationalism. Despite their best and most ruthless efforts, the righteous are still rising, even in unexpected places like Italy. Now, signs of the right rising in Spain are becoming apparent. One of the most amusing aspects of the right’s rise in Spain is that the party is called “Vox.”

While Vox failed to secure ultimate victory in the recent Spanish election, they came very close to making it over the hump, and that has many folks on the left very nervous, as they fear the movement is just getting started.


 The far-right Vox party lost seats in Spain’s elections on Sunday, staving off the prospect of a first hardline nationalist-backed government since General Francisco Franco’s dictatorship and pointing to limitations in the European far-right’s bid for the mainstream.

Polls had predicted a win for the centre-right People’s Party (PP) with Vox as the likely kingmaker but they failed to win a majority, leaving Catalan and Basque pro-independence parties holding the balance of power in a hung parliament.

But it was the Washington Post’s reaction to the rise of the right that was most jarring. Richard Hanania recently tweeted about what the Post is most scared of regarding the resurgence of “Trumpism” around the world, and as expected, it’s disturbing. According to a recent article published by the Post, the scariest aspect of all this populism and nationalism is the fear that young boys won’t be able to paint their nails and three-year-olds won’t be encouraged to “transition” to a new gender.


Here’s a closeup of the image that Richard shared:


Richard explains that leftists in Spain implemented an affirmative consent law similar to the policies adopted on college campuses that led to unfair trials. However, in this case, it applied to the entire country and, surprisingly, resulted in the release of sex offenders.


The right is steadily regaining influence in Spain and other European countries, and hopefully, the same will happen in the U.S. Globalism, a flawed movement, has co-opted elements of communism and is wreaking havoc on cultures and the middle class. While illegitimate elites may support it, the people reject it. The worthy will eventually rise up to reclaim what has been taken away from them — you can count on it.