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It’s clear to most people that Joe Biden is dealing with serious cognitive decline. Unfortunately, we witness his confusion a daily basis. He’s not exactly aging “gracefully,” to say the least.

The focus on Joe’s age and his confused state of mind has become amplified after he just announced another run for the White House, even as his poll numbers sink to record lows.

The Democrat Party has to be wringing their hands and sweating bullets over Biden’s stubborn and foolhardy attempt at another term. It makes you wonder if there are ongoing efforts behind the scenes to push Biden out and make way for someone who doesn’t give off cadaver vibes. That brings us to a recent New York Times article that paints Joe Biden as a confused “grandad” who is often so fatigued that his staff gives him “space” on the weekends so he can rest. Oh boy. One can’t help but wonder if this is the Old Gray Lady’s gentile way of telling the left that it’s time to put ol’ Joe out to pasture.

The New York Times:

The two Joe Bidens coexist in the same octogenarian president: Sharp and wise at critical moments, the product of decades of seasoning, able to rise to the occasion even in the dead of night to confront a dangerous world. Yet a little slower, a little softer, a little harder of hearing, a little more tentative in his walk, a little more prone to occasional lapses of memory in ways that feel familiar to anyone who has reached their ninth decade or has a parent who has.

The complicated reality of America’s oldest president was encapsulated on Thursday as Congress approved a bipartisan deal he brokered to avoid a national default. Even Speaker Kevin McCarthy testified that Mr. Biden had been “very professional, very smart, very tough” during their talks. Yet just before the voting got underway, Mr. Biden tripped over a sandbag at the Air Force Academy commencement, plunging to the ground. The video went viral, his supporters cringed and his critics pounced.

An AP poll showed that a majority of Democrats think one term is plenty for Joe Biden. The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows that just 37% of Democrats say they want him to seek a second term. But Joe ad Jill don’t care about what their base wants; they’ve always done what’s best for them, not the American people.

Biden has his fair share of ups and downs, ranging from  “okay days” to “disastrous days.” Many Americans  speculate that these wild fluctuations may be linked to whether or not Joe’s taken his medication.

The portrait that emerges from months of interviews with dozens of current and former officials and others who have spent time with him lies somewhere between the partisan cartoon of an addled and easily manipulated fogy promoted by Republicans and the image spread by his staff of a president in aviator shades commanding the world stage and governing with vigor.

It is one of a man who has slowed with age in ways that are more pronounced than just the graying hair common to most recent presidents during their time in office. Mr. Biden sometimes mangles his words and looks older than he used to because of his stiff gait and thinning voice.

Of course, the New York Times throws Biden a bone, by using the lame “childhood stutter” excuse once again.

His verbal miscues are nothing new, friends note; he has struggled throughout his life with a stutter and was a “gaffe machine,” to use his own term, long before he entered Social Security years. Advisers said his judgment is as good as ever. So many of them use the phrase “sharp as a tack” to describe him that it has become something of a mantra.

Revolver conducted an investigation into the claim of Joe Biden’s childhood stutter by thoroughly reviewing over 40 hours of past footage from his speeches, Senate hearings, and interviews. Our findings revealed that Joe’s alleged “childhood” stutter was not a significant obstacle for him in public speaking until he reached a much older age, which indicates senility more than “childhood stutter.”


Whatever issues Joe is dealing with today, this project revealed they’re not related to any childhood stutter that he publicly dealt with as a young, middle-aged, or mature man.

There’s no evidence to back up the media and Dem narrative that Joe’s speech challenges today are somehow linked to his childhood stutter. However, there is evidence proving Joe conquered his stutter, exactly as he said he did.

My project revealed, that while Joe Biden may have stuttered occasionally, overall, his adult speech pattern did not differ from an average American with normal disfluency, and he was not plagued by an inability to speak publicly during his young, mid, or later years.

His senior years, however, are a different story.

I believe Joe’s Handlers were fully aware of his cognitive issues heading into the 2020 campaign and used his well-documented “childhood stutter” story as a cover for his mental challenges, and to ingratiate Joe to the public. And of course, the media dutifully ran with the story, no questions asked.

In closing, I am really glad that I tackled this project and I hope it brings some clarity to the childhood stutter story.

I ended up doing the work that our media should have done back in 2019, but it was definitely interesting and I learned a lot about Joe Biden.

The Revolver article is a fascinating, in depth piece, and we encourage you to read it. You can find it here.

In terms of Biden’s age, everybody knows that he’s too old and too confused to run again, but up until now, nobody in the mainstream media has said anything because they’re puppets of the regime and do what they’re told. Now, out of the blue, the NYT is finally acknowledging the problem that the American public has been been screaming about for years. It seems like they’ve finally gotten their marching orders.

More NYT:

Polls indicate the president’s age is a top concern of Americans, including Democrats. During a recent New York Times focus group, several voters who supported Mr. Biden in 2020 expressed worry, with one saying: “I’ve just seen the blank stare at times, when he’s either giving a speech or addressing a crowd. It seems like he loses his train of thought.”

Unease about Mr. Biden’s age suffuses Democratic circles. One prominent Wall Street Democrat, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid offending the White House, noted that among party donors it was all anyone was talking about. At a small dinner earlier this year of former Democratic senators and governors, all of them in Mr. Biden’s generation, everyone at the table agreed he was too old to run again. Local leaders often call the White House to inquire about his health.

But while the overall tone of the New York Times piece was soft and nice, they did go in for the kill shot when they revealed that aging Biden is so fragile and tired that he’s treated like a little baby who needs his nap time.

In private, some officials acknowledge that they make what they consider reasonable accommodations not to physically tax an aging president. His staff schedules most of his public appearances between noon and 4 p.m. and leaves him alone on weekends as much as possible. Jennifer O’Malley Dillon, Mr. Biden’s deputy White House chief of staff, though, insisted his age has not forced changes to his schedule. “Nothing beyond what is done for any president regardless of their age,” she said.

A study of Mr. Biden’s schedule based on data compiled by Axios and expanded by The New York Times found that Mr. Biden has a similar morning cadence as the president he served, Barack Obama. Neither had many public events before 10 a.m., just 4 percent in Mr. Obama’s last year in office and 5 percent in Mr. Biden’s first two and a half years. But the real difference came in the evening. Mr. Obama was twice as likely to do public events after 6 p.m. compared with Mr. Biden, 17 percent to 9 percent.

Aides limit exposing the president to news media interviews when he could make a politically damaging mistake. He has given just a fourth of the interviews Donald J. Trump did in the same time period and a fifth of Mr. Obama’s interviews — and none at all to reporters from a major newspaper. Mr. Biden has not given an interview to the news department of The Times, unlike every president since at least Franklin D. Roosevelt other than Dwight D. Eisenhower. And in the past 100 years, only Ronald Reagan and Richard M. Nixon have subjected themselves to as few news conferences.

White House officials have not made Mr. Biden’s doctor available for questioning, as previous presidents have. In February, Kevin C. O’Connor, the White House physician, issued a five-page letter stating that Mr. Biden is “fit for duty, and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations.”

And if that weren’t enough evidence to prove Biden is an inept elderly man reverting to his childhood, WAPO recently published an article revealing Biden’s eating habits resemble that of a toddler.

National Post:

His favourite meals include peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, pizza, cookies, angel hair spaghetti with tomato sauce and most famously, ice cream. A longtime Biden adviser told The Washington Post “he has the tastes of a 5-year-old.”

Make no mistake, there’s a very good reason behind the release of all this information. It’s not exactly “news” or something that hasn’t concerned the American people for years. The timing of its release is directly connected to Joe Biden’s declining popularity and his declining mental fitness. Joe Biden has worn out his welcome with the Dem Party and it’s time for him to go.