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We stumbled upon an incredibly insightful and useful thread that we believe everyone on the right should read, internalize, and put into action. A popular Twitter user who goes by the handle “Wokal Distance” put together a sure-fire blueprint conservatives can use to beat the left at their own game.

This is incredibly valuable because conservatives have a different mindset than communists and are generally kind and trusting individuals. Unfortunately, the left has successfully exploited these traits to their advantage. Now, it’s time to change the game and allow the righteous to emerge victorious in this battle.

We are already witnessing the impact of our unity, as demonstrated by the successful boycotts of Bud Light and Target, which have forced these woke companies to face consequences. However, this is just the tip of a massive iceberg that needs to be completely busted up.

Here’s some of what Wokal Distance had to say in his Twitter thread:

The Dodgers and Blue Jays both gave in to pressure from woke activists.

This happens is woke activists have sophisticated tactics for pressuring people into giving them what they want.

So, I’m going to explain EXACTLY how their tactics work so you can fight back

Using the activist handbook “beautiful trouble,” as our guide I’ll show you how none of the protests, marches, or social media campaigns are spontaneous, but are in fact well planned actions created by activists in order to extract concessions from whoever they target.

The first step is called “power-mapping.”

Power mapping is: “A tool to not only identify who holds that power, but, crucially, who holds influence over that person, and, therefore, who to target with your direct actions”

Power mappingis how the woke determine who has the power to give them what they want,**and how they can be vulnerable to pressure.** Remember, the woke want to take power, and to do that they need to know WHO to take it from and how. Power mapping tells them who has power.

Look at the diagram on power-mapping from Beautiful Trouble. Note that it includes their friends, their church, their family….everyone. The woke are looking for any angle they can find to put pressure on the person they are targeting.

Once they map the power dynamics: who has the power, and the pressure points of those people, they have to figure out who to target. Sometimes the target has no direct weaknesses, so they have to go after them indirectly.

That means the woke: “Choose your target wisely”

You must “Choose your target wisely” because, In their words: “You might not have enough power to push your primary target at first, but your actions may help you identify a secondary target…that can be pressured to leverage their influence on the primary target.”

If done correctly, the can determine smaller more vulnerable targets that can be pressured and leveraged to go after much bigger targets. Like a domino effect where a small domino knock over progressively larger dominoes. (Pic 1)

See how that works? They map the power dynamics, figure out who has power, figure out where that persons pressure points are (in both their professional and *PRIVATE* life), and who they can pressure in order to build leverage and momentum to go after the main target.

To Quote Beautiful Trouble: “You might not have enough power to push your primary target at first, but your actions may help you identify a secondary target — an individual or group that can be pressured to leverage their influence on the primary target”

This incredible thread has a lot more to offer, including diagrams and various visual aids that make it even more helpful. You can read the entire incredible thread here. We’ve set it up so it’s simple for you to read the thread and you don’t have to be signed into Twitter.

Enjoy and happy battling!