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It’s always exciting when a political thinker weighs in on the current political landscape. And that’s exactly what we get from Michael Anton, who is sharing his insights on how the 2024 primary and election will likely play out.

Michael Anton is an American conservative essayist, speechwriter, and successful former private-equity executive. With an impressive background as a senior national security official in the Trump administration, his expertise and insights have been invaluable. Michael gained significant recognition for his popular essay titled “The Flight 93 Election,” which he wrote under a pseudonym during the 2016 presidential campaign. This critically acclaimed piece passionately advocated for the necessity of Donald Trump’s candidacy and left an unforgettable impact on the political landscape. Michael Anton’s contributions to the conservative movement and his dedication to his beliefs should not go overlooked.

His insights into the 2024 election are just as valuable as his celebrated essay from 2016. In this interview with the Telegraph, Michael shares his belief on how Trump will secure the nomination, and predicts a chaotic political scenario as the establishment from both parties fiercely resist his potential return to power.

Here’s how the Telegraph introduced the interview.

The Telegraph:

If there is a second Trump administration, everything will be against him.

Every institution in the United States will be against him, including at least half of his own political party.

I expect Trump will win the Republican primary. However, one problem he will face is that the leadership of his party, its elected officials, especially its leading officials in the Senate, in the House, most governors, its biggest donors, its intellectuals and scholars and so on, will all or most of them be against him just as they were the last time.

To discuss the upcoming election in America, Steven Edginton is joined by the academic and former national security official under President Trump, Michael Anton, in the latest Off Script podcast.

They will throw everything, including the kitchen sink, at President Trump. This will be the most significant and perilous battle of his life. There is absolutely nothing these deep state ghouls won’t do to stop him. Absolutely nothing.