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Take a moment to consider what it might have been like if the radical, unapologetic flunky Merrick Garland had secured a spot on the Supreme Court. Some might argue he could have been somewhat restrained on the high court, but that’s a gamble not worth taking, especially with a lifetime appointment on the line. We dodged a bullet there, but regardless, he’s still wreaking a ton of havoc in a very short time while posted up at the DOJ. Between his unjust, immoral, and and un-American attack on President Trump and the “sweetheart deal” he gifted  Hunter Biden, Merrick is truly showing the world what a two-bit hack he really is. And to make matters eve worse, Merrick is now suggesting that any criticism of him or his weaponized department is an “attack on our democracy.”

Really? As Americans, isn’t questioning and challenging the government part of our DNA? At this point, our elites are completely unhinged and unapologetic. Any semblance of pretense has vanished, and they’re openly treating Americans as if we’re stupid.

Here’s what Merrick said:

The only “threat” against the left’s cherished democracy seems to be stemming from this North Korea-esque administration, using anti-American strategies to meddle in elections and defy the will of the American people.

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