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Revolver’s own Darren Beattie made the rounds on all the popular podcasts following the unprecedented, unjust, and morally reprehensible arrest of President Trump by the DOJ. Darren, who has unique and keen insight into how our twisted and evil government apparatus actually works, explained that the “filth” also known as the “national security state” are the individuals who truly wield the power in this country. Darren says, anybody uttering the words “national security” are the enemy. These are the people who scream out those words as an excuse to rape and pillage the country.

Darren also reveals the myriad of ways the FBI deviated from standard protocol when it came to the Mar-a-Lago raid. You’ll recall that back in August 2022, fourteen FBI whistleblowers came forward to reveal what was really going on inside the disgraced bureau’s obsession with taking down President Trump and that politicized Mar-a-Lago raid.


U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) announced on Sunday that 14 whistleblowers have come forward in total before and after the FBI raid of former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence and the public has “figured it out.”

The whistleblowers have reportedly approached Republican investigators in Congress according to the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee who told Fox News host Trey Gowdy the number of whistleblowers has increased.

While appearing with the former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, Jordan asserted that Americans are seeing through the left’s lies even though the media and Big Tech are pushing them for all they are worth. When they get caught in the act by Republicans, they attack conservatives trying to blame them for what they are actually guilty of.

“Fourteen FBI agents have come to our office as whistleblowers, and they are good people,” Jordan declared. “There are lots of good people in the FBI. It’s the top that is the problem. Some of these good agents are coming to us, telling us what is baloney, what’s going on — the political nature now of the Justice Department — God bless them for doing it — talking about the school board issue, about a whole host of issues.”

The FBI deliberately amplified the political tensions surrounding the raid.

Several of the FBI whistleblowers testified before Congress and shared their concerns over the Mar-a-Lago raid. One of those agents was Steven D’Antuono, who was in charge of the raid on President Trump.

Daily Mail:

D’Antuono, one of the most senior agents in charge’ of the raid told the committee he was frustrated the FBI was going to be left ‘holding the bag again’ with the August 2022 search of Mar-a-Lago.

D’Antuono laid out several abnormalities in the raid, including first that the Miami field office did not handle it – headquarters instead assigned the Washington, D.C., Field Office to carry out the warrant.

D’Antuono said he had ‘absolutely no idea’ why the decision was made. He also noted that the FBI would not wait for Trump’s attorney to show up before conducting the search. He said the FBI should have tried to work with the attorney to get consent to search the residence before conducting the search.

D’Antuono said he believed either Attorney General Merrick Garland or FBI Director Christopher Wray made the decision to seek the warrant ‘despite opposition from the line agents’ working the case.

D’Antuono also noted the FBI did not assign a U.S. attorney’s office to the matter.

It appears the FBI treated the entire situation as a theatrical production. Just like in a play, the FBI knew what the final act would be and thus meticulously set the stage for act one, which took place at Mar-a-Lago.

Darren appeared on The First where he discussed the developments in this unprecedented case.


Darren also shared more of his wisdom and insight when he sat down with Steve Bannon on “War Room.” Darren shared even more insight into Steven D’Antuono’s bombshell testimony, surrounding the FBI’s bizarre decision to “outsource” critical positions to counter-intelligence officials.


Unfortunately, we’re only in “act 3” of this play, and there’s still a long way to go. So, brace yourself and get ready because this will be the fight of our lives.