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We regret to inform you that Chris Christie is once doing his best Tony Soprano impression. It appears that his sole claim to fame these days is “hamming it up” like a Jersey goombah. Christie has a habit of resurfacing every four years to run for office, yet he consistently fails to achieve more than 0-1 percent of the vote. But we all know that “winning” isn’t the real reason Chris is running for president. He’s doing it because he’s part of the establishment’s plan to kick Trump out. Christie is out there, hogging the spotlight on mainstream media political shows, talking trash like a low budget version of the “Godfather.”


A Trump return to the presidency will only be about “settling scores” rather than helping the American people, Christie told a CNN town hall event staged in New York City.

“He has shown himself … to be completely self-centered, completely self-consumed, and doesn’t give a damn about the American people, in my view,” Christie said.

The Republican Party in general, particularly Trump’s primary challengers, should also go on the attack, Christie said, if only because of Trump’s recent failures in national elections.

Citing Republican setbacks in the 2018, 2020, and 2022 congressional and presidential elections, the former ally of Trump said that “he hasn’t won a damn thing since 2016; three-time loser.”

He later repeated: “Loser … loser … loser.”

You’ll remember, Chris Christie is another backstabber who rode on Trump’s coattails, hoping for a top government position. But when that didn’t pan out, he quickly betrayed Trump. Typical RINO move.

Chris Christie, who obviously suffers from an emotional eating disorder, should probably focus less on Trump and more on his own issues and his poor health choices.

Christie also taunted Trump into joining Republican debates later this year. Trump has suggested he may skip the debates because so many opponents are trailing him badly in the polls.

If Trump does refuse the first debate in Milwaukee on Aug. 23, Christie said he will have “a lane” to attack him without a response; that will force Trump to show up for a second session in California in September.

Chris, who can’t even make it to the debate stage because he has zero support, is now trying the “Lincoln Project” approach by going full-blown #NeverTrump, in hopes of getting RINOs and Democrats to support him.


Christie may not qualify for the debates, given his standing in the polls, and no doubt hopes that his full-throated attack on Trump will help inflate his numbers.

Right-wing comedian Jimmy Dore featured a hilarious bit on his podcast recently, with a “Godfather”-sounding parody of Chris Christie.

One of the best comments from that YouTube video is this: “I would love to see Chris Christie and Stacey Abrams in a pie eating contest.” We would love to see that, too. And although Stacey would be tough competition, we believe Chris would come out on top, as the winner, for a change.