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Yesterday, Florida executed Duane Owen — a man who was convicted in 1984 for the rape and murder of a fourteen-year-old little girl and the murder of a single mother. However, according to the American Civil Liberties Union, the real issue at hand is that Duane, who identified as female, did not receive the necessary “gender-affirming” care while he was in prison for rape and murder. Despite being a convicted rapist and murderer, poor ol’ Duane spent the last thirty years in prison feeling trapped in the wrong body. Boo hoo for Duane.

The ACLU attempted to defend Duane in a passionate tweet, conveniently leaving out the fact that Duane was a convicted child rapist and murderer. However, the Twitter community swiftly pointed out this omission and subjected the ACLU to well-deserved mockery and ridicule.

Here’s what the ACLU said in their two disastrous tweets:

The state of Florida never provided medically necessary gender-affirming care to Duane Owen — causing her enormous suffering and violating her right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment for the more than 30 years she was in state custody.

In legal papers she drafted, Owen wrote that she “should be accorded the ‘essence of human dignity’ and be allowed to become ‘who she was meant to be'” before her death. No one should be killed by the state. The time to end the racist, unfair and cruel death penalty is now.

And here’s a closeup of the Community Notes attached to the disturbing tweet.

Needless to say, people were outraged at the ACLU for fighting for a man who raped and murdered a child and a single mother. Here’s what some people said online:

“We need to boycott the ACLU for this, there is no coming back from such a horrifically uncalled for statement.”

“I’ll take something Satan would Tweet for $1,000 Alex”

“You love pedophiles”

“Time for the ACLU to delete their account.”

“Duane was a man, not a woman. He was also a brutal murderer. Lastly, there is absolutely no such thing as “medically necessary” mutilation “care” especially for a barbaric murderer at state expense. If the ACLU is so pro cutting up and mutilating people, the ACLU ought to pay for it themselves.”

“So y’all are saying that he’s the victim in all this? Gtfoh. My thoughts and prayers are with the actual victims.”

“I mean, as far as Community Notes wins go, this is a big one.”

“The woke ACLU is a total joke”

“The ACLU is a joke and a shell of itself. This is an unbelievably bad tweet. Although, par for the course for you people.”

The only travesty here is that it took this absurdly long to execute this monster. Let’s hope he got his heart right with Jesus at the bitter end, if not, he’s in for an eternity of discomfort.