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Brett Favre finally ended his social media hiatus to throw his support behind Tucker Carlson, who was recently yanked off the air by Fox News. It’s been almost a year since Favre’s last tweet, but apparently, he felt this was a cause he needed to speak out about. He deleted his first tweet and reposted another one with a video featuring Megyn Kelly attached. Brett wisely turned off the comments to the tweet, knowing full well that unhinged mouth-foamers would come at him full force.

In the video, former Fox News host Megyn Kelly talks about how Fox still dominates the conservative audience, even with Carlson’s recent ousting. Also included in the video is a highlight reel of Tucker’s “greatest hits.” Brett also urged everyone to boycott Fox News until they allow Carlson to speak his mind. “I’m standing with Tucker. Fox News needs to come to their senses and let the man talk,” Favre tweeted.

Good for him.

That took a lot of guts for Brett to say that out loud. Let’s hope he sticks to his guns and doesn’t back down when the mob comes after him. Axios is reporting that Tucker’s little “vacation” is over, and now it’s time to come out swinging against Fox News. Tucker has plans to “torch” Fox.

Tucker Carlson is preparing to unleash allies to attack Fox News in an effort to bully the network into letting him work for — or start — a right-wing rival, sources close to him tell Axios.

Bryan Freedman, the high-powered Hollywood lawyer Carlson retained for the contract dispute, told Axios: “The idea that anyone is going to silence Tucker and prevent him from speaking to his audience is beyond preposterous.”
Why it matters: Tucker vs. Fox could reshape the conservative news world. Fox, which has seen its ratings plunge in Carlson’s slot since he was let go 13 days ago, wants to sideline him by paying him $20 million a year not to work.

The intrigue: Axios has learned Carlson is busy plotting a media empire of his own. But he needs Fox to let him out of his contract, which expires in January 2025 — after the presidential election.

We’re told Carlson has been contacted by outlets — including the right-wing Rumble and Newsmax — that offered to pay him more than his Fox contract.
Behind the scenes: Axios has learned that Carlson and Elon Musk had a conversation about working together, but didn’t discuss specifics.

Carlson confidants say he also is contemplating building a direct-to-consumer media outlet where his millions of fans could pay to watch him. Carlson’s predecessor in his Fox slot, Bill O’Reilly, created a blueprint for this.

It’s great news that Tucker Carlson is preparing to make a triumphant return, and it’s fantastic to see high-profile figures like Brett Favre standing up for him. Favre’s courageous act of speaking out in support of Carlson is an inspiration, and if more people did that, the mob would become powerless.