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Who could possibly forget the cringeworthy anti-Trump National Review Order article from 2015? It was a lineup of TDS-infected establishment losers, most of whom ended up losing their careers or shamefully crawling back to Trump in the end.

At the time, Politico highlighted the “harebrained” scheme aimed at altering the primary trajectory and toppling Trump from the race with a narcissistic puff piece written by NRO editor Rich Lowry — a good little puppy dog who has since seen the light and written a book on “nationalism” (that’s a good boy!). However, ironically enough, this plan likely played into Trump’s hands, thanks to the inherent unlikeability of these TDS-infected losers.


Inside the ‘Against Trump’ Issue

Why the National Review decided to launch a full broadside against The Donald—and what the blowback has been.

We’d conceived of the issue about a month ago. It was beginning to get to crunch time in the primary season and we wanted to make a big statement, as well as push back against the lazy notion that it’s only “the establishment” that opposes Trump. We began to muster conservatives across the spectrum to make the case against him.

This was around the holidays and, as I learned, that’s not a very good time to try to organize people, nor does it make you popular with your family. We picked up again in earnest about two weeks ago.

We wanted to get 15-20 people to participate—space is limited in the print edition—and ended up with about two dozen. (The last couple of days I’ve been getting emails from conservatives saying, “If only I had known, I would have loved to contribute.”)

We worked to keep the group intellectually diverse. In fact, many of these contributors have harshly criticized one another—and National Review—in the past. We got a strong representative of the religious right—Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist Convention—and a dyed-in-the-wool libertarian, David Boaz of the Cato Institute. We pulled together popular voices from the Tea Party right, like Glenn Beck, Dana Loesch and Erick Erickson, who combine their powerful journalism with activism, along with editors of long-standing conservative magazines, like John Podhoretz of Commentary, R.R. Reno of First Things and Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard. We balanced a Reagan hand present at the creation—former Reagan attorney general Ed Meese—with 27-year-old Katie Pavlich of Townhall.

Remember the cover?

The inside story of National Review's big anti-Donald Trump issue - The Washington Post

Fast forward to 2023, National Review, after a short break from their “Trump Rage,” is diving headfirst back into the madness. What triggered them this time, you ask? None other than Trump’s triumphant CNN town hall. The establishment goobers at the National Review are having another meltdown, and it’s like we’ve time-traveled straight back to 2015 all over again.

In their latest “The Editors” podcast, the National Review passionately bashed Trump and dished out advice to fellow Republicans on how to take on Trump. One editor went as far as begging Pence to step up and launch an attack against him. I suppose Pence is a slight step up from David French, whom the National Review summoned to run against Trump the last time around.

Imagine actually taking advice from the National Review on how to “defeat” Trump. Imagine Asa Hutchinson listening carefully to the podcast and feverishly taking notes.

The extent of their detachment from reality is absolutely stunning.

The National Review claims Trump’s presence was the reason why we lost the Wisconsin judge race, conveniently omitting any mention of abortion.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported on the loss this way:

Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewicz defeated former Supreme Court Justice Dan Kelly in a race that served as a referendum on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, shattering national spending records and attracting a level of political warfare unseen before in a state judicial race.

Don’t forget that Judge Dan Kelly is also a RINO who worked feverishly to distance himself from Trump.

Charles Cooke, a senior writer for the National Review, proceeded to present a convoluted argument in the podcast suggesting that Trump’s candidacy is flawed due to the numerous accusations against him. Interestingly, Cooke himself tends to support Trump’s efforts as a defendant and conveniently overlooks the fact that these accusations arose precisely because Trump is a presidential candidate.

It’s absolutely mind-boggling to see this failed version of history repeating itself, especially among a bunch of smug “elites” who think they’re smarter than everyone else and always ahead of the curve. Stage 5 TDS has struck again, and those folks over at the National Review have once again lost touch with reality and the world outside their political bubble.