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It’s well-known that corporate America has embraced progressive values. They have aligned themselves with left-leaning ideologies, promoting a range of progressive causes, including LGBTQ+, transvestites, and feminism. In doing so, America’s corporations have become soldiers in the regime’s army.

And beer companies, which have been hijacked by far-left businesswomen, have stepped up in a big way to push the left’s radical messaging. Meet Elizabeth Hitch. She’s the “Alissa Heinerscheid” (former Bud Light VP) of Miller Lite. Elizabeth is the senior director of marketing and the woman responsible for the “Bad Shit to Good Shit” woke campaign that spit in the face of every loyal Miller Lite customer.


Below is the controversial woke ad that put Elizabeth and Miller Lite in the hot seat. This ad actually came out before the Bud Light fiasco. Miller’s ad aired during Women’s History Month in March. Bud Light followed up with the transvestite ad in April.

Instead of sexy, playful girls, the Miller Lite feminist ad features frumpy, homely women peddling feminism and beer with a very preachy “headmistress” tone and look. What guy would see that and think, “Man, I want an ice cold beer…”? None. The ad was a huge flop and Miller Lite even took down the website.

Now, Miller Lite, desperate to avoid the Bud Light backlash, is trying to laugh off the cringeworthy ad as if it were just a funny joke. Here’s the statement they provided to the New York Post:

“This video was about two things: worm poop and saying women shouldn’t be forced to mud wrestle in order to sell beer. Neither of these things should be remotely controversial and we hope beer drinkers can appreciate the humor (and ridiculousness) of this video from back in March,” a company spokesperson said

Here’s what Miller Lite’s Elizabeth Hitch had to say when the ad first came out. Wash FM:

“This Women’s History Month, Miller Lite wanted to recognize that without women, there would be no beer,” said Elizabeth Hitch, senior director of marketing for Miller Lite. “To honor this we wanted to acknowledge the missteps in representation of women in beer advertising by cleaning up not just our $#!T, but the whole industry’s $#!T while benefiting the future of women and beer.”

Does it sound like Hitch is joking to you?

The spokesqueer who Miller Lite hired to be the face of their new woke campaign is a self-proclaimed queer feminist actress who loves Hillary Clinton.

These types of radical social and political activists aren’t known for “joking” around when it comes to their cult-like ideology. They’re deadly serious, and if you don’t celebrate their perverted and twisted lifestyles, you will pay the price with your job, schooling, family and friends.

There’s nothing “funny” about it.

Here’s what “comedienne” Ilana Glazer had to say about the ad campaign:

“Women are amazing and infinitely creative. I know women have been erased from building many industries from the ground up, and yet I was still surprised to learn that they were among the first beer brewers in history,” said Ilana Glazer. “After years of treating women like objects, the beer industry has an opportunity to shed more light on just how powerful women’s contribution has been. I’m inspired Miller Lite created the space for this reflection, and I’m proud to play a part in repping this step in the right direction. We really made some good $#!T together!”

Hahaha, very funny. Right?

This is a confusing message that Miller Lite is peddling, since we’re also told by the left that it’s a “celebration” for women to be “sex workers.” By Miller Lite’s wacky logic, it’s somehow empowering to strip naked in front of creepy men on the internet, but it’s wrong and objectifying to wear a gorgeous bikini in a national ad.

How does that make sense?


The Miller Lite ad played out like a “gun buy-back scheme,” where Miller asked Americans to send in their old bikini beer ads, and in return they would help an ugly woman make some beer.

Here’s how it works:

1. Collect the Bad $#!T: Miller Lite has been collecting their (and all of the beer industry’s) outdated, age-old, no-thank-you sexist ads, displays and posters for months. Hundreds of pieces have already been bought and removed from the internet.

2. Convert the Bad $#!T into Good $#!T: They’re turning the bad S#!T into fertilizer (literal good $#!T) that will then be used to help female hops farmers grow over 1,000 pounds of hops

3. Create More Good $#!T:

a. These hops will then be donated to over 200 female brewers to make approximately 330,000 beers. So yes, some good $#!T.

b. Miller Lite will also donate over five times the amount it spends to buy back the bad $#!T to the Pink Boots Society* to support women in advancing their careers through brewing education, and to help them put more good $#!T into the world.

The left hates beauty in all its forms. They hate traditionalism, ancient architecture, and beautiful women.

The Wash FM piece continues, revealing Miller Lite’s “all-female” leadership team, which explains why this stupid ad was created in the first place.

Bad $#!T to Good $#!T continues Miller Lite’s ongoing efforts to make beer more inclusive. This campaign was spearheaded by an all-female leadership team and continues the brand’s work empowering women in beer, as it did with 2022’s Mary Lisle cans, which celebrated the firstfemale brewer in American history.

“Last year, we launched our Mary Lisle cans to celebrate women’s achievements in beer,” said Hitch. “This year, we’re going further in our commitment to supporting the women who love beer and the women who brew beer, helping them make their own mark in history…and their own good $#!T.”

It’s fine if Miller Lite wants to celebrate a few scrappy women who make beer. They can quietly do that by sending them a check. There’s absolutely no need to turn this into a male-bashing national feminist ad campaign where, suddenly, the left finds some crumb of “morality” and is fainting over a couple bikini photos.


It’s time to push back. With plenty of other beer options out there, if you want to make a stand and oppose the slow decay of societal values, consider avoiding Bud Light and Miller Lite. Take a strong position and say “no more” to this continuous progressive destruction of society.