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New York City Mayor Eric Adams has b-slapped AOC for calling the Marine Subway Hero a “murderer.”

The unidentified former Marine put the out-of-control homeless man, Jordan Neely, in a chokehold on the subway after he went bonkers. The incident was caught on video and Neely ended up dying.

Neely was a violent career criminal with a history of mental illness, including autism and schizophrenia. He was arrested a whopping 42 times, and even punched a 67-year-old woman in the face.

Eric Adams is no hero, but he’s slightly more rational and intelligent than the hysterical former bartender AOC, who is doing her best to incite a “riot” over the death of another violent thug, while demonizing a Good Samaritan who was just trying to save lives.

Many believe Adams is taking on the “good cop” role while Soros-backed Alvin Bragg is playing the “bad cop.” Adams is presenting a professional and composed demeanor, urging for a fair and calm approach—but really, Adams’ “wait and see” approach will just throw the Marine Subway Hero to the big (fat) wolf Bragg. Meanwhile, many suspect Bragg is working behind the scenes to wreak havoc on the life of the Marine Subway Hero.

As we speak, Bragg’s office is investigating the death, and some speculate that he sees this high-profile and politically charged case as a chance to redeem himself from the shortcomings of the Trump arrest, which many experts from both sides of the aisle have deemed a complete and utter joke.

New York Daily News:

The Manhattan district attorney’s office is probing the death.

“This is a solemn and serious matter that ended in the tragic loss of Jordan Neely’s life,” said DA spokesman Doug Cohen, promising a “rigorous investigation” into whether to press charges.

The NYPD busted Neely 42 times across the last decade and he had a documented mental health history with police, with his most recent arrest in November 2021 for slugging a 67-year-old female stranger in the face. A warrant for his arrest on felony assault charges was issued on Feb. 23.

When asked on Wednesday if the ex-Marine should be criminally charged, Gov. Hochul said she had just seen the video and needed to find “whether the state has a role” in the investigation.

“There’s consequences for behavior,” she said.

Now that the case has been ruled a homicide, the Marine Subway Hero can be facing manslaughter charges according to a police source.

New York Daily News:

NYPD detectives and Manhattan prosecutors were conferring Thursday on whether to criminally charge a Marine veteran in the caught-on-camera chokehold death of a mentally-ill Michael Jackson impersonator, police sources said.

No criminal charges have been filed but detectives and members of the Manhattan District Attorney’s office were having intense discussions on whether to arrest the Marine for Jordan Neely’s death.

The video shows a second man stepped in to help restrain Neely because he was so combative and struggling to break free.

What’s scary is that these drugged-up, mentally ill people don’t give up an inch when they are restrained. The moment you ease your grip they’re right back at it. The Marine Subway Hero was likely doing everything he could to prevent the situation from escalating any further.

Unfortunately, the outlook for the Marine Subway Hero to receive a fair and just treatment seems bleak, especially with liberal instigators fueling the controversy and agitating the masses. Reverend Al Sharpton compared the hero’s actions to those of Bernie Goetz, the famed subway warrior who shot four thugs on a train in 1984. Sharpton went on to say, “We cannot end up back to a place where vigilantism is tolerable. It wasn’t acceptable then, and it can’t be acceptable now.”

Sharpton is actually right to compare the two, because Bernie Goetz was also a hero.

RELATED: Modern-day Bernhard Goetz chokes out violent vagrant on NYC subway… will Soros DA crucify him?

Democrats want to leave decent, law-abiding Americans vulnerable to the mercy of bad guys, who get to reign over our cities through fear and violence.

To make matters worse, Democrats have the audacity to label this as “law and order,” when in reality, it is complete and utter chaos.