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Well, here we are again, folks. Another day, another round of dangerous political games played by relentless, power-crazed Democrats. They are on a never-ending quest to gain power. Meanwhile, the GOP is sitting around making jokes about Bud Light.

RELATED: Supreme Court Justices release unanimous 9-0 letter slamming Democrat Senators over fake Clarence Thomas “ethics” scandal…

Senate Democrat are playing for keeps and have the Supreme Court in their sightline. Dems have called for a political hearing on Tuesday to discuss an alleged “ethics problem” with the Supreme Court. However, many people believe this is just another ploy to delegitimize and destroy the Court because it’s become a major obstacle to their progressive agenda.

The Supreme Court is supposed to be the last line of defense protecting the American people’s rights. Sadly, Senate Dems are once again playing dirty politics, and working with their media flunkies to plant fake “ethics” stories ahead of the hearing.

On some level, you have to admire the tenacity of these commies, they never stop plotting and fighting, while the clueless GOP gets steamrolled.

Attorney Mike David is the kind of Republican fighter we need more of—he’s not afraid to call out the left’s sneaky tactics and expose them for all to see. That’s precisely what he did with this latest SCOTUS plot in a bombshell tweet that’s lighting up the internet. Here’s what Mike had to say (with light editing by us):

Senate Democrats are holding a political hearing on Tuesday and pretending there’s an “ethics problem” on the Supreme Court. (There’s not.)

To delegitimize–and destroy–the Supreme Court because the Court is in their way. It’s the last line of defense stopping politicians from running over our rights as Americans—including the rights to speak, associate, worship, and protect ourselves.

So Senate Democrats are working with their lapdogs in the media, to plant bogus stories–especially over the last couple weeks, in the buildup to Tuesday. (Of course, just on the Republican-appointed justices.) Here are some responses to the most recent examples:

1. Justice Clarence Thomas escaped the Democrats’ plantation 40 years ago. They hate him for this, and they’ve tried to destroy him since then. Ginni Thomas never worked in the Democrats’ kitchen. She’s been a political activist long before he became a judge. He doesn’t own his wife. She’s allowed to think and speak. They’re allowed to travel, and even transact business, with their best friends. With no business before the Court. Justice Thomas’ only “crime” is thinking while Black.

2. Justice Brett Kavanaugh didn’t sexually abuse anyone, especially not as a teenager. The FBI fully investigated his life. Full-field, single-scope background investigation. Six times. Over 150 character witnesses. No issues. Ever. The Senate Judiciary Committee fully investigated these bogus allegations. These women, who have political axes to grind, aren’t telling the truth. They’re nut-jobs. Especially Christine Blasey Ford. (“I had one beer,” and it was Brett Kavanaugh.) Her own parents don’t believe her.

3. Justice Neil Gorsuch didn’t even know the name of the buyer, and the buyer didn’t know Gorsuch had a 20% stake, when the buyer worked through real-estate agents to make an offer to buy a Colorado fishing cabin. Well below the asking price. If you’re attempting to bribe a judge, at least pay the asking price. The cabin has greatly increased in value since the buyer’s purchase. Can Gorsuch unwind the deal–and get back his cabin? Please.

4. Chief Justice John Roberts’ wife left the very lucrative practice of law after his confirmation. To avoid any appearance problems. Jane’s been a legal headhunter since then. At the best legal headhunting firms in the world. No secret. Ever. She’d make a lot more money as a partner at a major law firm. Like she did for 20 years before.

Of course, Senate Democrats will ignore ethical issues surrounding Democrat-appointed justices and their spousals.

Bottom Line: there’s no ethics problem at the Supreme Court. Senate Democrats can piss off.

Many folks believe the Dems Tuesday hearing is “step one” in their plan to discredit the Supreme Court and a catalyst to add three more justices to the Court. After all, it’s not hard to imagine these Maoists booting judges they don’t like or packing more seats before the 2024 election, especially after they indicted a former president. Who’s gonna stop them—the GOP?

That’s a scary thought…