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A Travis County jury found Army Sgt. Daniel Perry guilty of murder, nearly three years after he shot and killed Austin protester Garrett Foster.

Texas Tribune:

In 2021 Perry was indicted for murder, aggravated assault and deadly conduct charges for shooting Foster during a July 2020 protest in downtown Austin. The jury also found Perry not guilty of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after deliberating for 17 hours Thursday and Friday following an eight-day trial.

The indictment came one year after Texans took to the streets to protest police brutality following the murder of George Floyd, a Black man killed by a white Minneapolis police officer in May 2020.

Many believed this case was self defense.

Foster attended an Austin protest on July 25 while Perry was downtown driving for Uber. According to police, Perry stopped his car and honked at people protesting while they walked through the street, blocks from the state Capitol. Seconds later, he drove his car into the crowd, police said.

Foster, who was a 28-year-old white man and an Air Force veteran, had been seen openly carrying an AK-47 rifle at the time, which is legal. There are conflicting accounts as to whether Foster raised the rifle to the driver first — but seconds later Perry, who was also legally armed, shot and killed Foster and fled the area, police said. He called the police and reported what happened, claiming he shot in self defense after Foster aimed his weapon at him. Perry is also a white man.

The case also called into question the Texas “stand your ground” law, allowing somebody to use deadly force if they feel they are in danger

Folks on the right were especially vocal, and called for Abbot to pardon Perry.

And thanks to that pressure, it looks as if he’s going to do just that.


This is great, but keep up the pressure, we don’t want Perry’s case to be forgotten when the news dies down.


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