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Every once in a while the ruling class “elites” let their mask slip and reveal their ugly true colors, and when it happens it’s usually quite a sight to behold. A perfect example of this “accidental reveal” just occurred on Twitter and involved a Bloomberg reporter by the name of Matthew Yglesias.

Matthew really showed off his “Karen” side today, and ended up facing some rather extreme backlash from folks online. Matty — as he calls himself online — shared a photo of a BMW car with the license plate in full view (doxxing?) next to a photo of an electronic receipt he received after reporting the BMW driver for expired tags.

Cleary, Matty’s out there fighting and reporting on serious crime for Bloomberg. What would we do without this modern-day warrior?

Here’s what he said in his busy-body tweet: “Another member of the marginalized BMW owner community who evidently lacks the financial resources to maintain legal tags on his vehicle”.

Is Matty’s middle name “Petty”?

When asked why he didn’t blur out the innocent person’s license plate, this was catty Matty’s response: “You don’t have a privacy right to avoid exposure of your illegal activity! Put valid tags on your car and I won’t tweet pictures of your license plate number.”

Can’t wait for somebody to post a picture of Matty’s license plate, because you know that’s coming down the pike.

Below is a screenshot just in case he deletes the tweet.

Needless to say, Matty was obliterated by the masses for this effeminate “Karen” move of his. Here is a sampling of the comments Matty is fending off:

“I despise people like you, I really REALLY do”

“Lol, bootlicker.”

“The median income for a luxury car owner is right at 100k. Idk why you have a chip on your shoulder about these owners, maybe you think playing the class card makes what you’re doing less douchy? If you want to Karen, turn in those that speed in residential areas.”

“What a piece of shit you are”

“The Nazis were able to gain complete control of the German people thanks to Citizens like this.”

“re you supposed to be the good guy in this story?”

“Matty has descended into unpaid Hall Monitor status. It’s surreal seeing the joy Hall Monitors get from petty acts like this. Don’t make any funny faces behind the teacher’s back, or Matty will tell on you!”

“Is it possible to be more unlikable than this guy”

“Oh look, a marginalized columnist trying to get woke cred by being a Karen.”

“What an absolute fking turd”

Actual picture of Matty jotting down the BMW plate number.


The left have become pathetic country-wide hall monitors running to “Daddy Government” to whine and tattle on anybody who isn’t following the rules.

Scumbags like Matthew would turn their own mother into the IRS if it’d give them online virtue-signaling points and a few extra clicks.


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