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There’s something really weird going on when it comes to the media’s treatment of January 6th main instigator Ray Epps. Despite being one of the few individuals directly involved in the events of that day who has not been arrested or charged, Epps has managed to become something of a “media darling.” In fact, last Sunday, 60 Minutes aired what many have called a “puff piece” on Epps, painting him as some misguided, buffoonish patriot who was just caught up in the moment and didn’t know what was happening.

But why is Epps being treated so differently from the other folks involved in January 6th? And why is he the only one who seems to be adored by the media? These are all questions that have been raised by many, including right here at Revolver News. In fact, it was Revolver who first questioned Epps’ role in the January 6th uproar, and it was Darren’s investigative reporting that apparently caught the attention of 60 Minutes.

This Revolver investigative piece titled “Meet Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears to Have Led the Very First 1/6 Attack on the US Capitol” is what started it all:

After months of research, Revolver’s investigative reporting team can now reveal that Ray Epps appears to be among the primary orchestrators of the very first breach of the Capitol’s police barricades at 12:50pm on January 6. Epps appears to have led the “breach team” that committed the very first illegal acts on that fateful day. What’s more, Epps and his “breach team” did all their dirty work with 20 minutes still remaining in President Trump’s National Mall speech, and with the vast majority of Trump supporters still 30 minutes away from the Capitol.

Secondly, Revolver also determined, and will prove below, that the the FBI stealthily removed Ray Epps from its Capitol Violence Most Wanted List on July 1, just one day after Revolver exposed the inexplicable and puzzlesome FBI protection of known Epps associate and Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes. July 1 was also just one day after separate New York Times report amplified a glaring, falsifiable lie about Epps’s role in the events of January 6.

Lastly, Ray Epps appears to have worked alongside several individuals — many of them suspiciously unindicted — to carry out a breach of the police barricades that induced a subsequent flood of unsuspecting MAGA protesters to unwittingly trespass on Capitol restricted grounds and place themselves in legal jeopardy.

Interestingly enough, a producer from that show reached out to Darren Beattie,  and asked him to appear on the program to discuss Revolver’s reporting on Epps. However, at the very last minute, the producer backed down and they pulled the plug on Darren. Many believe it would have been too “dangerous” to have Beattie on the show. Instead, they opted for a soft, fluffy “puff piece” on Epps.

Darren reveals exactly how this bizarre interaction with 60 Minutes played out when he appeared on Charlie Kirk’s podcast.

Darren is right. The fact that Ray Epps is being embraced by the media as some sympathetic character while elderly individuals languish in solitary confinement for their involvement in January 6th highlights just how important it is to keep digging into this bizarre mystery.

We encourage you to read the entire collection of our January 6th investigative reporting. We’ve gathered all our work and created a library, so you have easy access to everything in one simple click. You can access that library by clicking here.


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