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When you think of the FBI infiltrating churches, you might conjure up an image of feds going undercover to capture Islamic extremists inside mosques or maybe infiltrating LGBTQ Lutheran churches, given all the transvestite terror that’s been going on lately.

But if that’s what you thought, you’d be dead wrong.

The FBI is absolutely on a mission to infiltrate our churches, but they’re not going after Islamic extremists or trans terror — they’re going after “extreme Catholics.”

Americans first heard about this plot back in February, when the FBI came under fire after a story leaked, stating the feds were targeting “Catholic extremists.”


The FBI has come under scrutiny after a leaked document showed the bureau warning that “radical traditionalist” Catholics pose as an extremist threat.

Kyle Seraphin, a former FBI special agent and federal whistleblower, obtained the document from the bureau’s field office in Richmond, Virginia, and published it on the UncoveredDC website.

The document is titled “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities.”

The FBI in Richmond discusses monitoring Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists (RMVE) and their interests in so-called “Radical-Traditionalist Catholics” or RTCs.

The memo notes that FBI investigations have found that there is a “growing overlap” between the far-right white nationalist movement and RTCs.

But now, the stakes have been raised. According to a new report just released by the congressional “Weaponization Committee, the FBI is feverishly attempting to weasel their way into your church.

The committee took to Twitter, where they revealed that undercover sources confirmed the FBI is using religious organizations as their new “honeypot.”

Here’s a closeup of the letter  the committee shared:



Here’s more from the committee:

-This proposed outreach plan included contacting so-called “mainline Catholic parishes” and the local “diocesan leadership.”

-The documents reveal that the FBI also expressed an interest in “leverag[ing] existing sources and/or initiat[ing] Type 5 Assessments to develop new sources with the placement and access” to report on suspicious activity.

The tweets conclude by explaining that in light of the very serious consequences this could have on Americans’ religious freedom and  First Amendment rights, Chairman Jordan has issued a subpoena for disgraced FBI Director Wray to submit all documents pertaining to these actions.

Fox News reported on this latest bombshell:

The FBI recently sought to develop sources inside Christian churches and Catholic dioceses as part of an effort to combat domestic terrorism, according to internal documents released by House Judiciary Committee on Monday.

The internal documents — obtained last month by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., who are also members of the so-called Weaponization Subcommittee — showed the FBI planned to use churches as “new avenues for tripwire and source development.” The federal law enforcement agency also aimed to specifically target “mainline Catholic parishes” as part of its efforts.

In addition, according to Jordan, the FBI expressed interest in “leverag[ing] existing sources and/or initiat[ing] Type 5 Assessments to develop new sources with the placement and access.” And, in another example, the agency cited a desire to to sensitize religious congregations “to the warning signs of radicalization and enlist their assistance to serve as suspicious activity tripwires.”

The FBI will hunt you down for being Catholic or sharing an anti-Hillary meme. But if you’re a transsexual spewing out threats of violence and terror, you won’t even register as a blip on their radar.

Once again, we don’t need a show trial with “savage” sound bites from PR-hungry politicians. We need swift and serious action against this diabolical organization who appears to be hell-bent on targeting Americans who don’t support the current political regime.

Perhaps it’s time somebody clean house, and fire Mr. Wray…


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