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Many of you have become “homesteaders.” And what that means by today’s standards is that you’re either growing/raising and preserving your own food, or you’re buying in bulk and preserving it that way.

The bottom line is that a lot of you are preparing for a what you believe will be a very uncertain and possibly scary future.

However, to be clear, this is not “doomsday” prepping. After all, these days reality is about as “doom and gloom” as it can get.

This modern-day homesteading movement consists of a wide variety of  average people from all walks of life who are storing food for many different reasons.

Some people feel apprehensive about what’s coming next and want to be prepared when “it” hits. Others want to preserve food in order to save money and have more free time. Some want to store food for health reasons. The list goes on and on.

And as you’d expect, the propaganda media claims this self-sustaining movement is “white nationalism.” But that’s par for the course; after all, anytime Americans decide to take care of themselves, instead of relying on conventional methods, they’re labeled “racists.”

Most of time when you think of food preservation the first thing that comes to mind is canning – a very traditional and tried and true way of preserving food for long periods of time.

Canning has been around since the very early 1800s. It was actually invented by a French man named Nicolas Appert. However, canning didn’t make its way to America until the late 1800s.

However, once it arrived, it never left. Canning became a staple throughout many homes.

According to the government, the average shelf-life for home canned food is about 12 to 18 months. But many expert canners scoff at those numbers. They say properly canned food can last up to 10 years.

There are lot of pros to canning and some cons as well. One issue is that canning can take up a lot of space.

A lot.


the amount of hard work reflected onto these shelves is unmeasurable. #canning #canningtiktok #rebelcanners #rebelcanning #homestead #preserving #selfreliance #selfsufficient #sahm #homemaker #conservative #organic #farmlife

♬ original sound – Country Central

But wow, what a beautiful pantry that was, right?

In addition, shelf-life is also an issue. Whether it be 18 months or 10 years; many people are looking for a preserving method that lasts even longer that that, with less possible mishaps.

So, with all that said, what’s a modern-day homesteader to do?

Well, fear not, because change is coming. There’s a new preserving method that has splashed on the scene and it’s so big that it might just force canning to take a backseat.

Not only does this new method take up much less space, the food is also very portable and lasts for decades.

Yes, decades…

So, what is this new miracle method that solves so many prepping problems?

Well, it’s not necessarily new, but it’s definitely something many average homemakers weren’t doing just a few years ago: Freeze drying.

That’s right, average Americans are now purchasing in-home machines to freeze dry their food and it’s taking the prep movement by storm.

However, it’s not all rainbows and gumdrops – because the machines ain’t cheap.

For example, a 4-tray “Harvest Right” freeze dry machine can go for around $3,000.


Now, that’s not the only option, obviously, but freeze drying can be a big investment, but many say it’s worth it in the long run.


Reply to @terigraft #freezedryer #harvestright #foodpreservation #foodstorage #homestead

♬ original sound – Kelly Mann

And what you can accomplish with these machines is truly amazing. You can literally take almost anything in your kitchen (or garden) and turn it into “astronaut food.” From guac to eggs to pork chops and everything in between; you can make something today and eat it 35 years later and it’ll taste exactly the same as it did the day you cooked it.


Do you want to freeze dry an entire meatloaf meal?

No problem.


My last video the voiceover was removed. So lets try this again #freezedriedfood #freezedryer #harvestright #harvestrightfreezedryer #foodpreservation #shelfstable #prep #prepper #preptok

♬ original sound – Five Acre Farm

Okay, sure, that looks great now, but what will it taste like when you actually go to eat that meatloaf dinner?

Well, let’s find out…


Replying to @mountainsandpeaches #freezedriedfood #mre #freezedryer #harvestright #harvestrightfreezedryer #shelfstable #stockyourshelves #prep #prepper #preptok

♬ original sound – Five Acre Farm

Would you rather have some one-jar chili? Easy-peasy.


Replying to @classic259 it turned out so good! #freezedriedfood #dehydratedfood #foodpreservation #prepper #mealsinajar #preptok #preppersoftiktok #homegrown #gardener #gardentok #vegetables #shelfstable #masonjarmeals #freezedried #freezedryer #harvestrightfreezedryeer #excaliburdehydrator #stockyourshelves #pantryrestock #cantry #chili

♬ inspirational acoustic guitar piano ( ambient background instrumental music calm – megamusic

However, as great as these meals are, it’s not just dinners you can store. Lots of people are freeze drying almost anything.

Want some 35-year-old guac?

Grab a chip, and take a dip!


Freeze dried guacamole for the win! #freezedried #harvestright #freezedriedfood #longtermstorage #guacamole #whatcanifreezedry

♬ original sound – Whitetrashbarbee

And you can even freeze dry your eggs… all you have to do is add water and just like that you’re turning dust into creamy, dreamy scrambled eggs.

What you’re about to see is FOUR DOZEN eggs.


Freeze dried eggs… it’s never too late to start preserving. ♥️#preserving #offgrid #foodshortage #foryou #foryourpage #freezedried #freezedriedeggs TopGunMode #fyp #tgpietila #makeyourown #natural #prepper #beprepared #bepreparednotscared #America #preppersoftiktok

♬ Ticking – TIN

And you can also freeze dry raw meat. The taste, texture, and juiciness will not be impacted, even if you eat it three decades later.


#freezedrying #harvestright #prepper #perserve #prepared #hurricane #camping #food #govermentshutdown #naturaldisaster #storagehacks #porkchop #angusbeef #texas

♬ Aesthetic Girl – Yusei


And of course, fruits and vegetables from your garden can be freeze dried in the summer and enjoyed all winter long.


Why we invested in a freeze dryer for our homestead.. #homestead #microfarm #prepping #garden #farm #harvestright #freezedryer @harvestmoonmarie

♬ Aesthetic Girl – Yusei

The freeze drying possibilities are as endless as your imagination.

Now, will freeze drying knock canning off the shelf? Probably not. Canning is a beloved method of preserving food -and in many ways it’s an “art form” that’s passed down generation to generation, so, it’s likely not going anywhere. However, I do believe you’ll start seeing a lot more “freeze dry” experts popping up.

Don’t be surprised if all those gorgeous canning pantry’s add a new section for “freeze dried” goods as well.

After all, there’s room for both methods on the shelf.

Happy prepping, everyone!



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