Elon Musk went out of his way to give some of the #TwitterFiles leaks to Bari Weiss, a run-of-the-mill midwit liberal “centrist” from the “Intellectual Dark (Dork?) Web.” She repaid him by virtue signaling on Twitter over Elon’s recent bans of doxing journalists.

It all started after Twitter users nagged Bari Weiss over her connection to the Twitter Files once Elon Musk started banning doxers.

Because apparently people can’t say “no” nowadays, Bari obliged the nagging mob and lobbed a signal of her virtue in Elon’s general direction.

She then invited us all to read something, we don’t know what, we’re definitely not bothering to read this:

Apparently there is a demand out there for listening to Bari Weiss have a “deeper conversation”?

Perhaps stunned at the ingratitude on display, Elon Musk had to weigh in:

Elon doubled down.

We can’t say we blame him. But it was really the next Tweet that cut deep to the bone:

Sean Connery-style brutality.

That about perfectly sums up the entity that is Bari Weiss in 280 characters or less. But the whole “IDW” can also be described that way. The IDW can most charitably be described as “baby food” for people still attached to Regime narratives. Uncharitably, it could also accurately be described as thin, virtue-signaling gruel.

Bari has yet to respond on Twitter.

Our own Darren Beattie was all over this exchange.

Darren was never too enthused about Bari in the first place.

To be clear, he’s had Bari’s number for quite some time. See this:


Those who want to actually accomplish anything useful in reconstructing this regime in the current age will someday realize they have to get out of the kiddie pool and start swimming with the sharks.

As for Bari, this exchange could end being good for her in the longterm.