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Kanye capped his wild Thursday by insulting the boss of Twitter and posting a drawing of a swastika inside a star of David. Elon gave him the boot.


F…ed around, found out where the limits are. In this case, posting a symbol is considered an incitement to violence, which seems a stretch (if that’s the case, Musk better ban everyone who posts a hammer and sickle). The truth may be that Kanye was more of a liability than he was worth. Prominent bans like his and Alex Jones’ help keep the ADL off Elon’s back and Twitter in the App Store.

This is undoubtedly better than living under a Trust and Safety of regime-trained political commissars, but under a true free speech regime, the voices of Alex Jones and Kanye West would not be subject to such arbitrary and capricious elimination. The First Amendment standard originally advocated by Elon is the ideal.

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