This is quite curious:
Here’s video of the collision:
NEW: Video shows the Danish ship Danmark colliding with the USS Minneapolis-St. Paul, as the Danmark was being tugged out of the Inner Harbor #fleetweekfail
— Christian Schaffer (@schaffer_tv) September 11, 2022
More from CBS:
BALTIMORE — A Danish ship and a U.S. Navy vessel collided in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor on Sunday morning, according to authorities.
The “Danmark” was being tugged by a smaller boat when it smashed into some wood pilings a few minutes after 11 a.m., officials said.
The tugboat then pulled the Danmark into the U.S. Minneapolis-St. Paul, according to authorities.
U.S. military personnel said in a statement facilitated by the Baltimore Police Department that no one was injured during the collision.
Three days prior to the incident, a Twitter anon noted:
There's some sort of Danish Government sailing ship in harbor for fleet week that appears to be crewed entirely by women
— John Tremain (@johnntremain) September 8, 2022
The media is so far refusing to confirm the gender of the sailors involved, but inquiring minds want to know…
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