This one belongs in the fiction section.

It’s written by Cynthia Miller-Idriss, who is one of the most deranged Affluent White Female Liberal (AWFL) commentators in mainstream media. She styles herself a “Polarization and Extremism” researcher at American University in D.C. Of course, she’s closely tied into the Deep State, Big Academia, and the SPLC:

Cynthia Miller-Idriss is a sociologist and professor in the School of Public Affairs and in the School of Education, and runs the Polarization and Extremism Research & Innovation Lab (PERIL).

Dr. Miller-Idriss has testified several times before the U.S. Congress and regularly briefs policy, security, education and intelligence agencies in the U.S., the United Nations, and other countries on trends in domestic violent extremism and strategies for prevention and disengagement. She is the author, co-author, or co-editor of six academic books, including her most recent books Hate in the Homeland: The New Global Far Right (Princeton University Press, 2020) and The Extreme Gone Mainstream: Commercialization and Far Right Youth Culture in Germany (Princeton University Press, 2018). She has also published over one hundred peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and essays on nationalism, extremism, education, higher education and internationalization.

In addition to her academic work, Miller-Idriss writes frequently for mainstream audiences. She is an opinion columnist at MSNBC, and has additional recent by-lines in Foreign Affairs, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Boston Globe, CNN, The Hill, Politico, The Guardian, Le Monde, Salon, and more. She appears regularly in the media as an expert source and political commentator, including regular appearances on Fareed Zakaria GPS as well as other CNN news programs, PBS News Hour, NPR’s Morning Edition and All Things Considered, MSNBC’s Meet the Press Daily with Chuck Todd and Hardball with Chris Matthews, NBC’s Evening News with Lester Holt and The Today Show, C-SPAN’s Washington Journal, ABC’s Good Morning America, and in global news outlets in over a dozen countries, including BBC News, Deutsche Welle, France 24, al Jazeera and more.

Dr. Miller-Idriss’ research has been funded by grants and fellowships from the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the U.K. Cabinet, the Lumina Foundation, the Spencer Foundation, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Economic and Social Research Council (U.K.) and the Goethe Institute, among others. From 2009-2012 she was a nominated fellow in the Teagle Foundation’s National Forum on the Future of Liberal Education. She has received several research and teaching awards, including the 2019 DC Sociological Society’s Morris Rosenberg Award and a 2013-14 global fellowship from Morphomata Center for Advanced Studies at the Universität zu Köln, Germany. Dr. Miller-Idriss serves on the international advisory board of the Center for Research on Extremism (C-REX) in Oslo, Norway, and is a member of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Tracking Hate and Extremism Advisory Committee.

She looks exactly as you’d expect: a desiccated, hardened cold shell of a woman.

Now onto the good part, the intro of the article. It’s hilariously out of touch with reality:

Reports late last month of the arrest of a former Marine with ties to a neo-Nazi group highlight the dangerous and somewhat convoluted relationship between white extremists and the state of reproductive rights in the United States. The man, identified as a leader of the neo-Nazi group Rapekrieg, was reportedly spearheading a mass murder of minorities and mass rape of “white women to increase production of white children,” according to Rolling Stone.

The horrific revelations are a reminder that white supremacy, male supremacy and violent extremism go hand in hand. Minorities and white women are targets of an ideology that both seeks to reduce nonwhite populations and to increase white ones. For this and other white supremacist extremist groups, the mass murder of minorities and the mass rape of white women are twin goals oriented toward maintaining a white majority nation.

She’s been reading a little bit too much Handmaids’ Tale, or perhaps watching it on the television. Do liberals still read nowadays?

And here’s the call to action: more government dollars for people like Dr. Cynthia Miller-Idriss, and a police state fortress to protect their feelings.

Groups like Rapekrieg are fringe extremists whose violent plots clearly constitute terrorist action. But in a post-Roe world, a plot to force women to become pregnant, however fringe it might be, takes on a whole new meaning. Amid near-constant revelations of white supremacist extremist and other far right plots in this country over the past few years (and worse, successfully executed attacks and mass shootings), we have seen far too little U.S. government energy dedicated to combatting the threat of white supremacist extremism. How many more Rapekrieg-type plots will it take for this to change?

For an MSNBC swamp critter, everything boils down to mo’ money fo’ dem programs, and less money and freedom for you.