Guest Post by Sophie Antenora
Exclusive receipts of a USAID grant agreement from 2020 show that the federal government sent millions of taxpayer dollars in funding for abortion and population control propaganda disguised as overseas COVID-relief grants.
The grant, funneled to the notorious eugenics group Pathfinder International, appears not to be a one-off incident. Rather, it is part of a multi-million dollar federal scheme that stealthily used pandemic “disaster relief efforts” to advance population control abroad. A closer look reveals a corrupt, decades-long agenda at USAID whereby leftist elites have used taxpayer dollars to fund their ideological priorities at the expense of the American people.
Federal Grants: A Mask for Corruption
Funneling dark money through deliberately vague grants is a method USAID has used for decades to exploit world disasters and advance the globalist elite agenda. The federal grantmaking process is convoluted for a reason. It shuts the American people out from the truth about how their money is spent, and how the massive engine of government has gone rogue without their consent. Grants have become the mechanism of choice for bureaucrats to abuse their power, and use their “expertise” to ignore the everyday Americans who pay them. They are a Trojan Horse deployed by the Administrative State to divert funds to malicious activities, often under the auspices of justice and humanitarian concern.
One of these grants, obtained in its full form exclusively by Revolver, was authorized by a low-level USAID bureaucrat in July 2020 to send $500,000 to Pathfinder through a program surreptitiously named “Responding to COVID-19 in Hotspot Areas of Ethiopia.” The vague title mirrors dozens of similarly-worded grants the government disbursed to various “humanitarian” organizations which operate as fronts for population control and other globalist priorities.

Scant details on grants like this can be found at, a federal website that claims to allow users to track details about grant payments, lending an illusory sense of accountability to federal spending. But apart from USASpending’s thin profiles — which include the names of receiving organizations, total dollar amounts, and one-sentence descriptions — there’s nothing else to see.
Turns out, this snapshot barely scratches the surface. The real stories lie within grant agreements, legal instruments used by federal agencies to outline financial contracts with organizations they fund. These paper trails between agency bureaucrats and outside operatives explain where taxpayer money is going to and why. But unlike USASpending, grant agreements remain inaccessible to the public and even politically-appointed officials working in the Executive Branch. Those wanting to bring accountability face an arduous and incongruent bureaucratic beast. Locked in government databases that vary agency by agency, federal grants receive little to no oversight aside from nebulous profiles that often hide insidious realities.
The Globalist Scheme for “COVID” Population Control
For example, while USAID claimed money was sent to Pathfinder to “respond to COVID-19,” the grant agreement outlines what the actual intent was: to increase sexual and reproductive services for 1.5 million Ethiopians. The grant glosses over this by pretending that USAID funding would support the government’s efforts to “suppress” COVID-19. But the real virus Pathfinder wanted to suppress was the number of “unintended pregnancies” and “other adverse sexual and reproductive health outcomes” it argued would grow rampant during the pandemic (4-5).

The justification is plain as day: Pathfinder would use U.S. taxpayer funding to entrench sexual health services, including abortion and birth control, in developing nations during a global crisis. How? By manipulating the public through messaging campaigns that declared these health services “essential,” “orienting” staff to adopt this messaging, and ensuring that abortions and birth control were provided in “safe” health facilities (13, 22).

Through a program called “Transform,” USAID funded mobile vans and audio-mounted vehicles to broadcast propaganda messages about birth control and COVID-19 in public spaces like mosques, TV stations and radio spots. The same project sent out over 800 health care workers to inject Ethiopian women with long-lasting and dangerous contraceptives.

You can read the entire grant agreement yourself below.
Pathfinder’s goal to integrate abortion as the focal point of their pandemic operation was blatantly obvious; if not within the grant agreement itself, then littered across its entire COVID-19 strategy. Lauding abortion as a right to be enshrined in international law, Pathfinder staff led worldwide guidance on performing abortions during the pandemic. This included removing safety requirements and aggressively pushing for unsupervised “DIY” medication abortions that women could “manage” on their own — all while USAID funded nearly 60% of its entire revenue.

USAID’s Population Control Apparatus
Pathfinder’s poisonous past and incestuous relationship with the U.S. federal government are worthy of another exposé. Since its inception, the organization has been an under-the-radar but powerful weapon in USAID’s long-standing scheme to implement global population control
Almost exclusively funded by USAID, the organization was the brainchild of eugenicist Clarence Gamble as part of the mid-20th century strategy to enforce eugenics through the rapid mainstreaming and dispersion of contraceptives, abortions, and forced sterilizations. Operating through USAID, Pathfinder was at the forefront of a botched birth control campaign that distributed unsafe and deadly contraceptives in the 1970s. It led the global fight for abortion rights and sued the U.S. government over pro-life protections like the Mexico City Policy. This history was widely lauded by Pathfinder until last year, when most of it was scrubbed from the outward-facing website after Gamble’s children left the organization claiming it was covering up their father’s eugenic past and other scandals.
USAID has long been the lifeblood of scum like Pathfinder and related organizations who survive off of the opaque and corrupt federal grants process. This grant is only one part of millions in dollars in “COVID” response that the federal government operationalized to force a population control agenda down the throats of developing countries. Despite the Trump Administration’s broad strides to strip federal funding from leftist organizations, especially for global abortion funding, continual undermining from nefarious personnel and the coordination of the Administrative State kept the door open to millions in grants paid out to ambiguous entities like Pathfinder, The Population Council, Intrahealth International, JSI, and other population control operatives. By the end of 2020, USAID had pledged over $1.3 billion in global COVID-Relief programs alone, a number that has skyrocketed to over $9 billion with the Biden regime’s expanded use of USAID.
This wouldn’t be the first time this has happened, and it certainly won’t be the last. If this level of coordination happened at USAID, there is no telling how extensive the grants apparatus stretches across other executive agencies. Over the last three years, American taxpayers have experienced what this rampant abuse of their funds can do, and whistleblowers and FOIA requests have pulled back the curtain on some of the most destructive whims of the government grants process to date.
It was through a grant that the U.S. became the biggest stakeholder in the noxious gain-of-function research at the center of the Wuhan Virology Lab. It was through a grant that the NIH operationalized a baby organ and tissue pipeline at the University of Pittsburgh for unfounded scientific “progress.” And it was through grants that the Department of Education and DOJ sent billions to “justice nonprofits” and “community organizers” who led left-wing protests on climate, immigration, and race — the same groups responsible for deploying Black Lives Matter rioters to burn down American cities in the summer of 2020.
The agenda enabling this monstrous weapon to thrive off of the love-fest between federal bureaucrats and globalist elite actors is one the American people reject. A reckoning is coming — and it starts with exposing their hand.
Sophie Antenora is pseudonymous former employee of the federal government.
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