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The pro-abortion left has made it clear it is willing to do anything to prevent Texas’ ban on aborting babies more than six weeks into term.
In the mind of deranged liberals, perhaps the only thing more evil than “racism” is preventing the murder of the unborn. It is fitting then that the Democratic Party is prepared to fight Texas’ abortion law with the same laws once stamped out the post-Civil War Ku Klux Klan. That’s right, folks. Liberals believe hiring a doctor to rip a baby limb from limb before crush its head to “evacuate” it from a womb is a birthing person’s fundamental constitutional right that must be protected from KKK-style roving mobs.

Throughout the Trump/Biden era, the left has grown gradually more ambitious and more aggressive in imposing its demands on the rest of society, in ripping down every institution, every tradition, and every person that stands in the way of a total reset of society. Yet even acknowledging that, the response to Texas’s S.B. 8 stands out for its sheer frenzy. Literally nothing is beyond the pale in the left’s push to undermine and destroy the law, and anyone who supports it.
And we really do mean nothing. At this very moment, Democrats are urging the Biden Administration to imprison people who follow the state’s law:
“We urge you to take legal action up to and including the criminal prosecution of would-be vigilantes attempting to use the private right of action established by that blatantly unconstitutional law,” the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Representative Jerrold Nadler of New York, and 22 other House Democrats wrote in a letter to Mr. Garland. [NY Times]
House Democrats got this idea from Harvard law professor (and Trump Derangement Syndrome Hall of Famer) Laurence Tribe, whose idea is just as deranged as it sounds. Tribe’s plan is to prosecute abortion opponents with the same law used to quash the Ku Klux Klan:
The attorney general should announce, as swiftly as possible, that he will use federal law to the extent possible to deter and prevent bounty hunters from employing the Texas law. If Texas wants to empower private vigilantes to intimidate abortion providers from serving women, why not make bounty hunters think twice before engaging in that intimidation?
… Section 242 of the federal criminal code makes it a crime for those who, “under color of law,” willfully deprive individuals “of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.“ This statute — originally designed to go after the Ku Klux Klan — fits the Texas situation perfectly: The bounty seekers, entitled under the Texas law to collect penalties of at least $10,000, have been made, in effect, private attorneys general of Texas. They act “under color of state law,” and unless and until Roe v. Wade is overruled, they unmistakably intend to prevent the exercise of a constitutional right.
In addition, Section 241 of the federal criminal code makes it an even more serious crime for “two or more persons” to agree to “oppress, threaten, or intimidate” anyone “in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same.”
It would be particularly fitting — in tune not just with the letter but the spirit of the law — to use the Ku Klux Klan Act in this way. After all, the statute was enacted in 1871, in the aftermath of the Civil War, precisely to prevent Klansmen from lynching and other attacks on formerly enslaved Black citizens, including to prevent them from exercising their constitutional right to vote. [WaPo]
For those wondering, the law Tribe wants to use against Texas abortion opponents carries a ten-year prison sentence. The average rapist in America only gets four!
To be clear, twenty-three elected Democrats demand that the Biden DOJ use a law created to combat KKK lynch mobs against pro-lifers for “conspiring” against abortion. In the process, they equate the act of saving black Americans from lynching with enabling black Americans to lynch their unborn children.
So far, the Biden Administration hasn’t revealed its strategy for toppling Texas’s law (or arresting those who follow it). But lower levels of government may not wait. In the past, blue jurisdictions of the United States have retaliated against unwanted laws in other states by banning publicly-funded travel there. California is so shrill in its self-righteousness that it currently bans public travel to seventeen states for their “discriminatory” laws.
So how can one surpass a travel ban? Why, by instituting a total embargo of the state in question. Portland, Oregon is looking to do exactly that:
The City Council in Portland, Oregon will vote Wednesday on an emergency resolution that would ban the purchase of goods and services from Texas in response to a new law there prohibiting most abortions.
The resolution, if passed, would also prevent city employees from traveling to the state on state business. Mayor Ted Wheeler’s office said Friday in a news release that the resolution would be in effect until Texas either withdraws the abortion law or it gets overturned in court.
“The Portland City Council stands unified in its belief that all people should have the right to choose if and when they carry a pregnancy and that the decisions they make are complex, difficult, and unique to their circumstances,” the news release said. [NBC DFW]
While this might seem like a mostly-meaningless political stunt, it actually carries deep implications for the American project. If Portland moves ahead, it’s easy to imagine a future where most blue states are boycotting most red ones; red states in turn will face pressure to counterboycott or simply surrender unilaterally. How can the United States even function as a country when each half treats the other like the Islamic Republic of Iran?
But we may not need to wait for a crippling economic split to rip apart the country. The left might burn down America’s other institutions for the sake of Moloch first. Calls to pack the Supreme Court (and Congress!) are reaching a fevered pitch at the prospect that it might not continue propping up a completely invented constitutional “right.”
Pack the courts losers
— Zack Bornstein (@ZackBornstein) September 2, 2021
President Biden: Texas shows we can’t wait any longer. It’s time to expand the Supreme Court.
— Jon Cooper ?? (@joncoopertweets) September 6, 2021
The SCOTUS just gave every single Democrat a reason to vote in 2022 (if you needed one). We need to pack the House, we need to pack the Senate, we need to pack the courts. We can’t allow these evil people to undo decades of progress.
— Ben O'Keefe (he/they) (@benjaminokeefe) September 2, 2021
In the pages of The Nation, legal correspondent and Undisputed Champion of Bad Cable News Hairdos Elie Mystal began writing political fanfiction for how the Biden Administration could stop the Texas law once and for all:
If abortion providers were made federal officials—call them “privacy protectors”—who were deemed to be operating under the authority of the government, they would be protected from the private civil actions Texas now authorizes.
To do this, Biden would need to set up, through executive order, some kind of “President’s Commission on Privacy,” either through the Department of Health and Human Services or the Department of Justice. This commission could then hire the aforementioned “privacy protectors,” who would be empowered to go across the country, counseling women on their constitutional rights and providing other services attendant to those rights. … The privacy protectors could even perform the consultations on federal property, like army bases or certain parks or courthouses, just to make sure that no state gets its eminent domain feelings hurt. Or perhaps the agents could be mobile, operating out of vans or trucks, making the vehicle itself federal property that the state government could not interfere with. [The Nation]

As ridiculous as it is, Mystal’s article isn’t worshipful enough of the right to abortion. Like other advocates too ashamed and cowardly to call it what it is, he still advocates euphemisms. Of course, calling abortionists “privacy protectors” now is even more ridiculous than it would have been thirty years ago. Thirty years ago, the American left still (mostly) promoted a general right to privacy in American life. But today? America is a panopticon of Big Tech and Big Government surveillance. For the left, it’s all acceptable, so long as it’s supposedly done to fight COVID or racism or “insurrection.” But just as much, it’s acceptable as long as the most important right of all, abortion, is preserved against all challenges.
In fact, preserving the right to abortion means gradually abolishing other freedoms that were once taken for granted, like basic liberty of conscience. The most famous example of this, but far from the only one, comes from now-former TripWire Interactive CEO John Gibson. Gibson, the head of a small game development company, naively believed that he could voice an opinion shared by tens of millions of other Americans: That abortion is evil and ought to be banned.
Proud of #USSupremeCourt affirming the Texas law banning abortion for babies with a heartbeat. As an entertainer I don’t get political often. Yet with so many vocal peers on the other side of this issue, I felt it was important to go on the record as a pro-life game developer.
— John Gibson (@RammJaeger) September 4, 2021
The consequences of Gibson’s naivete were swift: Just two days later, he was out of a job, and the company released a statement making it clear the company was wholly dedicated to the cult of abortion.
Following the pushback, TripWire on Monday said Gibson would be exiting the company “effective immediately.” In a statement, TripWire officials said Gibson’s tweet “are of his own opinion, and do not reflect those of Tripwire Interactive as a company.”
“His comments disregarded the values of our whole team, our partners and much of our broader community,” the company said, noting that vice president Alan Wilson is now interim CEO. [CBS News]
Gibson’s offense had nothing to do with simply voicing his political opinions. Is there any doubt whatsoever that if he had publicly condemned Texas’s law, he would still be employed? Of course not.
But it wasn’t just that Gibson lost his job. It was the immediate, total, all-consuming reaction from every sector that immediately vaporized his mild statement of political allegiance. Shipwright Studios, a completely separate game development company, immediately announced that it was canceling all collaboration with TripWire.
— Shipwright Studios (@shipwrightstdio) September 5, 2021
Torn Banner, another game studio that collaborated with TripWire, also denounced Gibson immediately:
We do not share the opinion expressed in a recent tweet by the president of Tripwire, publisher of Chivalry 2. This perspective is not shared by our team, nor is it reflected in the games we create. The statement stands in opposition to what we believe about women’s rights.
— Torn Banner Studios (@TornBanner) September 6, 2021
Kotaku, a gaming news website, shrieked with a headline worthy of, well, the horrid sub-abysmal Gawker offshoot that it is:

Ten days ago, John Gibson was a respected game design professional with a great career. Now, one opinion expressed mildly and without any vitriol has reduced his career and his life to a smoldering crater.
Such are the consequences of blasphemy against Moloch.
Over the weekend, web hosting company GoDaddy (no pun intended) took down a Texas Right to Life website that was intended to support whistleblowers who sought to report illegal abortions. In the past, it was supposedly only “insurrection” or “misinformation” that justified being purged from the Internet. But the Molochian death cult for abortion is so powerful that now, following the law is grounds for being crushed. Destroy careers, censor websites, blow apart centuries-old institutions, treat American states like North Korea, create ridiculous new federal forces, and if all else fails, literally imprison their enemies: For abortion, the left will truly go all out.
This ought to be disturbing even to those who think Texas’s abortion law goes too far. This captures, better than almost anything else, a disturbing facet of life in the Globalist American Empire. At worst, abortion is the murder of a human life and an atrocity. Even at best, it is a disgusting, morbid, and regrettable act. This is why most countries restrict abortion to particular circumstances, or to a particular time frame. Elective abortion after 20 weeks gestation is the domain of only a few countries: China, North Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, the Netherlands, Canada, and the United States. But even in this club, America stands apart. American abortion advocates glory in murdering babies, and celebrate the annihilation of life. And if they must, they will annihilate this country and everything we hold dear to preserve this fundamental right to murder.
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