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Did you hear? John Cena apologized to China!

Of course you heard. Everybody heard about it. The video above has been viewed more than 4 million times as of this writing. Fox News considered the topic worth mentioning in at least three separate segments:

Right-of-center voices still allowed on Twitter lined up to bash Cena and affirm Taiwan’s independence.

Of course, it is pathetic to see a celebrity deliver a forced groveling apology. But it’s also a little pathetic to see such a massive meltdown over an American celebrity giving an ideological sop to a foreign power.

Senator Rubio is only half right in his above tweet. Americans really are trapped in a nightmarish reality where powerful forces control what they can say and think. But it isn’t imposed on them by the Chinese Communist Party. It’s imposed by their own leaders.

Tortured, forced apologies for offending state ideology happen all the time in America. There was Drew Brees prostrating himself for the mistake of opposing national anthem protests.

There was LA Galaxy soccer player Aleksandar Karai, who was forced to denounce his own wife after she bashed Black Lives Matter rioters, and then was cut anyway.

With vanishingly rare exceptions, no ordinary American will ever lose their job for disagreeing with the Chinese Communist Party. But regular Americans, those without any power or status, are punished for dissenting from the Globalist American Empire ideology all the time. For instance…

  • Cyclist Quinn Simmons was suspended for months for the crime of using a black-colored emoji in a tweet showing support for President Trump.
  • An accomplished University of Pittsburgh cardiologist was demoted because of his paper criticizing affirmative action.
  • The editor of the New York Review of Books was forced out for publishing an essay by a man accused of sexual assault.
  • Cisco called a racial justice assembly and then fired a whole batch of employees who disagreed with the ideology being shoved down their throats.
  • A Jewish weatherman in Seattle was fired for comparing riots in America to the destruction of Kristallnacht:

Mass made the comparison on his immensely popular weather blog Wednesday. Since then, outrage has bellowed across the social media landscape and his defenders shot back.

KNKX announced Thursday evening it was ending its relationship with Mass immediately.

“ … if a commentator, even on his own independent platform, delivers rhetoric that is offensive and inaccurate, we cannot support it,” the station wrote on its website. [The News Tribune]

  • The senior vice president of communications at Boeing was forced out over an article he wrote in 1987:

Golightly stepped down Thursday as Boeing’s senior vice president of communications following an employee complaint about the 1987 article, which he called “embarrassingly wrong and offensive.”

“At issue is not whether women can fire M-60s, dogfight MiGs, or drive tanks,” Golightly, then a US Navy lieutenant, wrote in a US Naval Institute magazine. “Introducing women into combat would destroy the exclusively male intangibles of war fighting and the feminine images of what men fight for — peace, home, family.”

Golightly, who had only been with Boeing about six months, said he decided to resign for the company’s sake even though the article does not reflect his current views. [NY Post]

Not even a lifetime of service for liberalism will result in mercy if the mob turns against you. Donald McNeil of the New York Times learned that in February. He used the n-word, non-pejoratively, in a private conversation two years previous. It was the most mild, fake “offense” imaginable, but McNeil was fired, though only after a hideous apology was forced out of him for the sake of his humiliation.

The fates of Golightly, Karai, McNeil, and others reveal that, if anything, ideological totalitarianism may be worse in America than in China. John Cena may have been forced to deliver an embarrassing apology, but it appears that will be enough for the Chinese. Golightly and Karai, meanwhile, were forced to deliver humiliating apologies, and then were fired anyway. Many others have already suffered this fate. Many more will suffer it in the future.

By and large, the only people having their speech curtailed thanks to China are pro athletes, actors, and other high-status entertainers seeking access to the Chinese market. No such luck in America, where even obscure city employees are hunted down and hounded from their jobs for crimes like anonymously donating to Kyle Rittenhouse. China might get angry over something a celebrity said yesterday. The Globalist American Empire will destroy you for something you said in high school.

A high school cheerleader had her college “dream” shattered when a black classmate arbitrarily posted a years-old video of her saying the N-word. …

Incoming freshman Mimi Groves, now 19, was kicked off the school cheer team and forced to withdraw earlier this year amid complaints from outraged alumni and students when fellow teen Jimmy Galligan posted the clip.

The incident gained national attention when it was detailed in a New York Times story over the weekend. [NY Post]

Most of these incidents didn’t receive one-tenth the coverage that the meltdown over John Cena did. And that’s the problem. It’s not wrong for conservatives, nationalists, and Republican lawmakers to be outraged about moral submission to Communist China. But far, fare more attention should be given to fighting the totalitarians who have taken control in this country. It is the corrupt, dysfunctional and illegitimate ruling class of the Globalist American Empire who have done the most to erode freedom in America, and who visit the most cruelty and terror upon the ordinary people of this country.

Before picking a fight with Beijing, Republicans should first try to fix the free speech calamity in their own country.

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