Several weeks too late, the weak mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkan, has finally sent in the police to break up and reconquer the CHOP/CHAZ “autonomous” zone in Seattle. Too little, too late. The criminals and malcontents of this country know that they can continue to wreak havoc on the American people with little to no pushback from Democrats and Republicans who are either too evil or too feckless to stop them. Still, the highlights are fun to watch, and here they are:
BREAKING: Seattle Police retake anarchist-held CHAZ
— Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) July 1, 2020
Isn’t it funny how these babies scream out “peaceful” as they swear at and threaten police with violence?
These rioters are violent and therefore their assemblies are unlawful, as the plain language of the first amendment makes clear.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Take a look at the massive show of force, and understand that the Mayor of Seattle never needed to allow this madness to happen.
BREAKING: Seattle Police have deployed to CHAZ to restore law and order
— Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) July 1, 2020
As a matter of fact, none of the George Floyd Antifa riots should have been allowed to happen, because they were not peaceful assemblies. The police are well-equipped and well-trained to handle riots. This is why the taxpayer equips them with riot gear, rubber bullets, tear gas, and whatever other equipment they need to do the job.
Most of the CHOP/CHAZ squatters scurried away like cockroaches when the Seattle Police rolled into the vicinity.
Seattle Police are here at 12th and Pike with riot gear. Protesters are reacting we are seeing many move out of the CHOP zone.
— Kierra Elfalan (@KierraElfalanTV) July 1, 2020
There was never a need for the National Guard or federal troops. It turns out, the kooky leftist mayors and governors just needed to allow the police to do their jobs.
Goodbye and good riddance to the anti-American, globalist CHOP/CHAZ.
The Summer of Love ends early. The Seattle police retake CHOP. |
— Mike (@Doranimated) July 1, 2020
Rather than sit back and watch these anti-American lunatics destroy themselves, President Trump and Attorney General Barr must act quickly to arrest and imprison the ringleaders and financiers of the antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorist violence against the American people. With some good detective work, the feds could take out the leaders and leave them completely exposed. After that, go after the politicians who provided them cover and see if these politicians were providing material support to these terrorists. All of this chaos and anarchy would cease in a New York minute.
If President Trump does not rip up these anti-American groups from the root, then they will sprout up again in short order.
God knows the local Democrat leadership will refuse to do anything to keep vulnerable American citizens, especially women and children, safe.
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