The Fake News is the Enemy of the People.
And no one knows that more than Tucker Carlson.
Tucker took to the air Monday night to accuse the New York Times of threatening to dox his family. Turns out they allegedly threatened him using two of their agents, one posing as an investigative reporter and another posing as a photographer. The story is set to air this week, according to Carlson.
Tucker responds to intrusive reporting by The New York Times.
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) July 21, 2020
The Fake News media has long been in league with Antifa, but if these allegations are true, then it turns out that the mask has dropped and they are outright using the tactics of Antifa themselves.
Two years ago, a left-wing journalist doxed Tucker Carlson, and his home was vandalized and his wife threatened. She called 911 while hiding in a closet. For the following year, Carlson’s family received regular death threats in the mail.

Now, the New York Times is allegedly threatening to recreate this situation. If these allegations are true, they will dox Tucker Carlson, which in this situation is akin to an infantryman calling in an airstrike on an enemy target. Then, disgusting Antifa creeps will show up and might even victimize Tucker Carlson and his family.
Revolver News has done some investigative sleuthing and managed to identify the two agents of the NYT who stand accused of threatening Tucker Carlson and his family.
The first accused “reporter,” Murray Carpenter, lives in Belfast, Maine. His website is right here. His twitter account can be found here.

The accused photographer’s name is Tristan Spinski. He lives in Portland, Maine. His twitter account can be found here. His website can be found here. His bio can be found here. He works for Grain Images.
This story is developing.
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