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When you reach the end of a big campaign cycle, it gets easier to see who’s actually ahead versus who’s desperately clawing to stay relevant. You can tell by the energy and mood of the campaign. As we get closer to Election Day, it’s becoming clearer who’s winning in 2024. In case you haven’t noticed, the team hurling out desperate insults and frantically scrambling to manufacture an “October surprise” is the one that is not winning. In fact, Team Harris/Walz had a disastrous Wednesday, with five major political moves flopping—yes, five—including a Hitler comparison aimed at President Trump, another embarrassingly fake #MeToo accusation, and a bogus story from The Atlantic that got fact-checked and debunked in real-time, along with other assorted failures.

Needless to say, there were rumored “meltdown vibes” at Kamala HQ, as every single attack and political move backfired and failed spectacularly.

Bad Hombre:

Total meltdown tonight at the Harris-Walz campaign:

– the Hitler hoax didn’t gain any traction; they’ve already overplayed that hand.

– the “f-ing Mexican” hoax backfired, with the sister of murdered soldier Vanessa GuillĂ©n going on National TV and calling Harris and the Atlantic out for politicizing her sister’s death.

– the “he grabbed my ass 32 years ago” hoax unraveled in less than an hour and is being universally mocked.

– a new WSJ journal poll released tonight shows Kamala losing the popular vote by 3 points.

– Kamala bombed the CNN Town Hall which was supposed to be her opportunity to present her closing argument to undecided voters.

The joy is gone.

It’s gotten so bad for Kamala that she’s resorting to dragging out the tired Hitler attacks. Yikes. Harris took two days in a row off the campaign trail and is starting to remind everyone of “Basement Joe.” They’re hiding her away because the more she talks, the further she drops in the polls. Just to give you an idea of how desperate the Harris/Walz campaign has become, the only time Ms. Harris did speak yesterday, she stood in a doorway and called Trump “Hitler” for six minutes.

Weird campaign strategy, right?

This move comes on the heels of another far-fetched story from disgruntled Deep State general John Kelly, who claims President Trump was “obsessed” with Hitler and was of course reported by the clowns at The Atlantic.

Just to show you how evil and divisive the left are, they’ll sit here and compare the 2024 frontrunner to Hitler—a man who slaughtered millions—and then wonder why their supporters are trying to assassinate him. Not only is this comparison downright absurd—anyone with half a brain can see that—it’s reckless, dangerous, and disrespectful, too.

They’re desperately trying to get President Trump killed.

Tammy Bruce:

This is horrible and I never thought that I would have to say this, but their only hope is that someone is successful at murdering Trump. This is a permission slip from on high for some poor soul who gets tipped over by all the rhetoric to try to assassinate Trump again. Pray for Trump, his family, his security teams, and our country. Everything is stake.

It only took 5 minutes to totally debunk Stage 5 TDS lunatic John Kelly.

These low-brow attacks are designed to rile up the weakest minds. You have to wonder: has Kamala’s hardcore base abandoned her completely? Why else would they resort to dusting off the tired, old Hitler comparisons?

Keep in mind that these new “Hitler” attacks from Kelly have never been mentioned before. Weird how he’s known about Trump’s supposed “fascination” with Hitler for years but never mentioned it in any of his books?


Predictably, the moldy old Hitler attacks didn’t land. But Harris/Walz had another vile hit piece waiting in the wings. This time, it’s a disgusting smear from the Russia Hoax peddlers over at The Atlantic. A so-called “reporter” by the name of Jeffrey Goldberg, who printed the debunked “suckers and losers” article, is back at it again, this time pumping out yet another fake anti-Trump story that’s already been debunked from nearly every angle. This one drags a murdered Hispanic soldier, Vanessa GuillĂ©n, into the fray, claiming Trump horribly disrespected her by allegedly saying, “It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a f****** Mexican” when he got the “bill” for her burial.

RELATED: What the FRACK? Harris did it again, folks

First off, nobody in their right mind would say something that disgusting—except maybe a desperate Democrat trying to manufacture a scandal for votes. Otherwise, this kind of twisted dialogue only exists in the over-the-top, Hollywood-like fantasies of the left. They’ve conjured up this evil, modern-day “Hitler” persona for Trump that’s so ridiculous, it could only exist in some blockbuster movie. Yet, this is exactly what brain-dead, gullible left-wingers actually believe about President Trump.

You almost can’t believe the audacity of these Dems. They know it’s not true, but they say it anyway, willing to hurt so many people just because Kamala is tanking with Hispanics and needs a quick vote boost. These people are soulless ghouls.

Vanessa Guillén, a 20-year-old Army private, was bludgeoned to death in April 2020 by a fellow soldier at Fort Hood, in Texas and her burned remains were only discovered two months later.

Donald Trump reportedly declared “it doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a f****** Mexican” after receiving the bill for a murdered soldier’s funeral which he had previously offered to pay.

The claims, which the Trump campaign has strongly denied, appeared in a recent article published by The Atlantic, which detailed the former president’s alleged disdain for members of the military.

Vanessa GuillĂ©n’s family is horrified by this disgusting hit piece. They’ve made it clear that President Trump was nothing but compassionate and supportive during their ordeal. Meanwhile, Jeffrey Goldberg from The Atlantic lied to them while stitching together this hideous smear. It’s a vile move from a so-called journalist, exploiting a grieving family just to prop up Kamala’s sinking campaign.

The desperation from the left has reached inhumane levels.

Here’s a closeup of the images:



By the way, who owns The Atlantic? You might be wondering. Well, that would be Steve Jobs’ widow, Laurene Powell Jobs—a radical progressive woman who just so happens to be good buddies with disgraced sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell. What a shock, right?

So, they expect us to believe that President Trump allegedly said something so incredibly vile, so disgustingly inhumane, years ago—and it never leaked out? Except, of course, conveniently, two weeks before a national election?

Yeah, okay. Sure bet.

So, when the pathetic Hitler attacks and the disgusting Atlantic/John Kelly fake news story didn’t connect with voters, the Harris/Walz campaign dug even deeper, where they pulled out another oldie but goodie. This time, they’ve dusted off the old reliable—30-year-old #MeToo accusations. And, how convenient for the Dems, it’s the same publication and the same reporter who covered the decades-old #MeToo story in 2020. Funny how we never hear from these supposedly “strong, brave” women except right before a major election. What a totally random coincidence, right?

Here’s a closeup of the latest accusation, which is so silly and pointless, we’re not even going to delve into it beyond this screenshot.


And you probably won’t be surprised that the 30-year-old #MeToo story is already full of holes.



And while these insanely ridiculous and obviously fake political attacks were unraveling, Kamala was over at CNN Studios, botching yet another softball interview. It’s almost laughable that this woman took an entire day off the campaign to “prepare” for this interview, and this is the result? Remarkably poor performance. She really is the poster child for DEI dummies.”

Harris now has a brand new excuse for why she can’t think on her feet or answer policy questions: she’s a “nerd.”


Her performance was so wildly bad that CNN couldn’t even spin a “win” for Ms. Harris.

And finally, as everything around Harris was unraveling and turning to dust, the latest Wall Street Journal poll dropped, showing President Trump up by 3 points nationally.

Now, we all know that national polls don’t matter as much the closer we get to Election Day. But here’s the kicker—at this point in the race, the Democrat is usually leading, thanks to demographics and their hold on the popular vote. Not this time. It’s starting to look like Trump could actually win the popular vote. You don’t want to count your chickens before they hatch, but it sure makes you wonder.

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Would it really be that shocking? Kamala Harris is one of the most unpopular VPs in U.S. history, and after a Wednesday filled with incredible political flops, you’ve got to wonder if she’s finally starting to realize just how bad things are.