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Well, COVID is back on the menu—but not in the way you’d expect. This time, it’s playing right into President Trump’s hands, thanks to a CDC-related endorsement that’s left everyone stunned. Dr. Robert Redfield, Trump’s former CDC director, has just thrown his support behind 45 for president. And he’s dropped a COVID verdict that will leave you—and Fauci—shocked and awed.

But before we go down that road, we did an interesting update on COVID, featuring the most interesting and spot-on takes we’ve seen about the COVID “pandemic” response—and it goes completely against the way President Trump handled it. It turns out, the “pandemic” was handled with toxic, hysterical female energy… and this assessment is coming from a woman.


There’s an intriguing argument being made about the COVID pandemic response, and it’s coming from a rather unexpected source—a woman. She suggests, in about one minute, that the entire reaction to the virus was driven by a distinctly female worldview. Honestly, this is the spiciest and best take we’ve ever seen, and it’s a perspective worth exploring, especially when we consider how the response played out: an emotional, hysterical overreaction, completely lacking any rational long-term thinking, fueled by fear, manipulation, and a “mean girl” mentality that pressured everyone to fall in line or else.

Think about it. Instead of a measured, data-driven approach, we saw a wave of panic wash over the entire globe, pushing us into lockdowns, school closures, and economic chaos—all based on worst-case scenarios and the inability to see beyond the immediate threat. Sadly, this is the very essence of the female reaction: focusing on the here and now without pausing to consider the bigger ramifications. It’s like the entire world was thrown into the arms of a frantic, overly protective helicopter mother who was desperate to shield her children from danger and ended up causing more harm than good.

We encourage you to read the entire piece below:

Spiciest one-minute take on entire COVID sham: it was all about hysterical female energy…

And it’s clear that former CDC Director Robert Redfield knows President Trump had a better plan. That’s why he’s not only endorsing Trump for President but also making amends with his old nemesis, RFK Jr., and revealing some truths that will probably have Anthony Fauci sweating bullets at night.

Collin Rugg:

NEW: Former CDC Director Robert Redfield endorses Donald Trump, admits to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. he “got everything right.”

RFK Jr. explained how he was appalled to find out that Redfield, who he was extremely critical of, was endorsing Trump.

“Robert Redfield, who I really go after in my Fauci book, wrote an editorial in Newsweek magazine today saying that he was endorsing President Trump because President Trump was gonna restore American health.”

Redfield said: “He has chosen exactly the only person who can do this, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.”

“This was breathtaking to me because this is the guy who’s the head of the CDC that I’ve been criticizing for years, and then this afternoon he came over and had lunch with me.”

“And the first thing he said to me is: ‘You got everything right.'”


After all, there’s nobody who deserves to face justice more than Anthony Fauci, and probably his wife, too.


As Dr. Malone so aptly put it: Fauci actively promoted Remdesivir (hospital nickname run, death is near), and hospitals were paid to use it. But it was neither safe nor effective. Sound familiar?

Let’s face it: Fauci and his cohorts are some of the most dangerous and deceptive Deep State players on the planet.

RELATED: Shocking new study on hydroxychloroquine proves once and for all Trump was right…

Thankfully, somebody in the medical industry has some common sense and compassion. Redfield is especially focused on Trump’s plan to make America’s kids healthy again. Here’s an excerpt from his Newsweek op-ed:

To heal our children, a president must see the possible and lead our nation to act. After more than 40 years in the public health arena, it might surprise some of my colleagues to know I think President Trump chose the right man for the job: Robert Kennedy, Jr.

Talk of healthcare reform often centers on cost to consumers. We know chronic disease is more than 75 percent of the country’s $4 trillion annual health care expenditure. Unfortunately, we have become a sick nation. We’re paying too much for chronic disease, and this must change. It’s time to make America healthy again.

Increasingly, it starts with our children. According to National Survey of Children’s Health, more than 40 percent of school-aged children and adolescents have at least one chronic health condition. Parents reported around 41 percent of children under 18 had “current or lifelong health conditions” when asked about 25 health conditions.

For instance, obesity in American children has increased dramatically since John F. Kennedy’s presidency, from around 4 percent in the 1960s to almost 20 percent in 2024. The causes of childhood obesity are complex, but a primary origin is clearly the modern American diet of highly processed foods.

But our food problem goes well beyond obesity: Pesticides are proven risk factors for neurodevelopmental outcomes in kids, causing maladies like ADHD. If the next president prioritizes the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to identify which exposures are contributing to the spike in chronic disease in children, we will finally find out and end what is slowly destroying our children.

If this doesn’t give you real “hope and change” vibes, then nothing will. President Trump vowed to create a “unity” force to make America great and healthy again, and as usual, he’s delivering. He’s bringing together people you’d never expect to see on the same team, and it’s genuinely heartwarming. We have a real shot to change the trajectory of America and save her from certain death—not just in terms of the economy or global peace (two things Trump excels at)—but also in our health, which is arguably the most important issue we face today, and it all starts with our kids. After years of the left targeting children with their twisted, and perverted trans-agenda and Big Pharma’s dark influence, it’s time to reverse course and get everyone healthy—in mind, body, and spirit. As Mr. Redfield says, Trump can and will make it happen!