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As we dive into the nitty-gritty of the 2024 campaign, Team Harris/Walz has been making some desperate moves. Kamala’s flip-flopped more times than the US gymnastics team, and now she’s literally stealing President Trump’s entire agenda, trying to pass off her radical core as some kind of “moderate” with America First priorities. Spoiler: It’s not working. She’s all over the map with no real agenda, except for radical ideas like stacking the Supreme Court like a tyrannical dictator.


The US Supreme Court isn’t perfect, but it hasn’t been completely weaponized… yet. In fact, the court has recently come through on several key issues, voting in favor of truth and justice. One recent ruling, which affirmed presidential immunity, was a huge victory for President Trump—and for the entire country. But don’t get too excited, because the entire US Supreme Court is on the ballot this election season.

VP Harris made that painfully clear when she was asked about “stacking the court,” something the American people clearly don’t want—but her radical, extremist base would love to see.

Harris wants a Supreme Court that will cater to her every whim. And the First Amendment only matters when she’s the one yapping. This is not the “American way,” and people are growing tired of the United States resembling North Korea, which is why Kamala is floundering. One of the best and most reliable pollsters in the game has revealed that Kamala is indeed collapsing. Richard Baris says based on the data he’s seen, Kamala is at “Joe Biden” levels of bad.

So, based on Richard’s analysis, it’s clearly an “all hands on deck” situation, which explains the new game plan: beat down men and elevate women. Pretty much the entire Democrat Party’s brand these days, right? The plan here is that Democrats need to keep men dissatisfied just enough to control them without pushing them to revolt while manipulating women by whipping them into a frenzy over abortion and “Orange Man Bad” in order to secure their loyalty and support.

And Team Harris’s internal pollster, who’s probably losing sleep at night, has come up with a way to do just that…


“We’ve got to win women by more than we lose men,” says Democratic pollster Celinda Lake of the Harris campaign. “That’s really the formula for success … But it’s real Whac-A-Mole. You’ve got to keep men sullen but not mutinous, and you’ve got to win women enthusiastically.”

RELATED: Harris just confirmed that packing the Supreme Court is DEFINITELY on the ballot…

This explains why Team Harris desperately tried to win over the male vote with their cringey “White Dudes For Kamala” campaign. What was supposed to be some kind of “bro moment” for Kamala ended up being a bunch of gay and ultra-effeminate men posting love letters to her—a base that was already voting for her anyway. And let’s be honest, it was probably a massive turn-off for the actual “average men” they were trying to reach.

Hilarious and true.

So, in a nutshell, this attack on white men is a calculated scheme by some morbidly obese elderly woman to suppress male discontent while exploiting women’s emotional hysteria to maintain power and influence. It’s a manipulative strategy that preys on the weakness and malleability of the Dem base, all in an effort to shape a loyal voting bloc. It also speaks volumes about the decline of liberal men—they’ve become nothing more than pawns in a female-driven power grab.