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There’s something unexpected unfolding in Europe—a kinder, gentler right-wing “migrant deportation squad” is rising up. But it’s not your typical white male in a suit and tie, telling migrants to go home and scaring the Euro women and effeminate men who fear the next “Hitler” is just one conservative vote away. This new anti-migrant movement is being led by women in pantsuits all across Europe—and, surprisingly, it’s working. As for those scaredy-cats? Well, it seems they’re not as worried about this method since Hitler wasn’t a woman and never wore a pantsuit.

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So, what specifically is “Pantsuit Deportation”? A brilliant X poster does a great job of explaining it.

ɖʀʊӄքǟ ӄʊռʟɛʏ:


One problem with the ‘Politics of Deportation’ is that, especially in a more genteel European context, too vigorously expressed it can ‘Scare The Hoes’. Many Europeans subconsciously think about refugees and migrants in the same kind of sentimental, doting, mothering way that they would think about cats and dogs – and if emerging Right Wing politics is seen as being too ‘nasty’ that sentimental instinct can kick in and cause a kneejerk response that is often completely detached from real world policy outcomes. Women get the ick. “It sounds nasty and mean, you are evil” etc

In this way, it may not always be better to be ‘loud’ in your politics, especially if your rhetoric is strong and doubly so if you policies don’t live up to that rhetoric. (See the British Conservatives.) People like the cuddly European Social Democracy consensus, they don’t like thinking of themselves as bad people, they don’t like to ‘feel gross’. Many of the Countries that have had the most success with the ‘Immigration Problem’ like Denmark and now increasingly Sweden have done so by appearing moderate and presenting themselves as existing in continuity with that existing cuddly European Social Democracy sentiment

What does the ideal ‘Under-The-Radar’ sensible, pragmatic and technocratic cuddly European Social Democracy Minister for Remigration (this is a ‘Scary Name’ you can just call the Ministry the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) look like? Ideally a woman in their 40s maybe 50s. Attractive in a homely mummy-milkers way but best years behind her and not so attractive that she intimidates other women. Probably your dad likes her. (Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederickson is the platonic example.) She uses continuity progressive cuddly European Social Democracy language. She is a ‘Girlboss’. She talks about ‘compassion’, ‘duty of care’, ‘women’s rights’, ‘human rights’, ‘duty to the environment’ etc and everybody feels warm and cosy, the hoes are not scared by this unintimidating pantsuit-wearing HR woman, nobody gets the ick. Then quietly and with no fuss made, incentives for migrants to leave are incrementally ramped up and enforced and nobody cares because the vibes aren’t gross because it isn’t being done in a weird scary way

Here’s what the visuals look like:

These ladies don’t look scary, and in this modern age, that may be the only thing that matters to the voters and the press.

Another one:

The user @kunley_drukpa explained more in a follow-up thread:

Funny, but so true:

More girlboss ladies:

It’s commonsense politics dressed up in the garb of modern normalcy.

Yes, it’s true. Across Europe, a new wave of “Pantsuit Deportation Politics” is taking hold, led by women who don’t fit the so-called “intimidating mold” of their right-wing male counterparts. Just look at Dutch Minister of Asylum and Migration Marjolein Faber and Deputy Prime Minister Fleur Agema as an example of this.

Hoevelakense Marjolein Faber wordt minister van Asiel en Migratie - Nieuws uit de regio Nijkerk

Fleur Agema is trots op het asielbeleid. 'Dit was het wachten meer dan waard' | Trouw

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These two pantsuit girl boss women represent a softer, more sophisticated approach to tackling the EU’s horrific migration policy. They’re not your typical stern-faced male bureaucrats; instead, they ooze this calm, sensible demeanor of demure ladies who politely want to opt out of the EU’s failed open-door policies. The message they’re sending is clear: “Sorry, Abubakar, but your asylum application has been rejected, and you’re being deported back to Nigeria—but in a lovely, sophisticated, and not-so-scary way.”

And it’s not just the Netherlands making this shift to pantsuit nationalism. Italy’s Giorgia Meloni is the ultimate “girl boss” pantsuit deporter. Even though she’s been labeled as “far right,” Meloni comes across as a cuddly, down-to-earth leader, and this personal has neutralized many of her critics. Now, she’s simply known as the cute and goofy-pantsuited Italian Prime Minister.

Don’t underestimate the abilities of these pantsuited phenoms.

Only the most unhinged activists still refer to her as “far right,” and they’re pretty much a laughingstock at this point.

The concept of “Pantsuit Deportation Politics” probably wouldn’t work in the US because our female politicians—right or left—behave too much like men. Even on the right, we see a lot of posturing and bluster, which doesn’t exactly scream “kinder, gentler” leadership. Take establishment loser Nikki Haley, for example. She’s always in a pantsuit, but that’s where the similarities end. Haley’s obsession with the original pantsuit queen, Hillary Clinton, is no secret, either. She’s more focused on appeasing the left and following Hillary’s globalist playbook than actually standing up for America.

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However, there might be a couple of exceptions. Tulsi Gabbard, while not a traditional conservative, is starting to lean that way. She’s got a calm, rational demeanor and isn’t afraid to take on the radical left, but she does it in a way that feels more like a reasoned debate than a shouting match. Then there’s Kristi Noem, who could be the ultimate pantsuit girl boss if she could just get her act together and stop making headlines for all the wrong reasons, like shooting her poor dogs. Other than that, Noem has some potential to push through an America First agenda with a smile and a sensible pantsuit.

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For now, however, Europe is the breeding ground for this new trend of female leaders and is redefining what it means to be anti-migrant in Europe—by making it less about aggressive rhetoric and more about common sense policies, all wrapped up in a pantsuit, mascara, and a lipstick smile.