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The Harris and Walz comedy team can’t seem to catch a break lately. They’ve become the laughingstock of social media for a laundry list of reasons, but this latest incident involving their new campaign plane might be the funniest and most ironic yet. The radical duo unveiled their new campaign plane, and folks were shocked at how much it looks like a giant tampon—a hilarious accidental nod to “Tampon Tim,” Ms. Harris’s sidekick, infamous for placing tampons in boys’ bathrooms across Minnesota. But it’s not just the giant tampon look that has people cracking up—it’s the slogan, which is a massive political misfire that actually encourages thinking people to vote for President Trump.

The slogan “A New Way Forward” has nothing to do with Ms. Harris, who’s the incumbent, and who’s forever tethered to Joe Biden and his failed policies that landed the US in a hellhole of high inflation, soaring crime, and a horrific border invasion—not to mention some of the worst foreign policy blunders in US history. A “new way” is all about President Trump, who vows to make a massive U-turn on all the failed Biden/Harris policies.

But what’s really scary and insulting is that the Harris/Walz slogan is actually a nod to illegals and the invasion taking over our country. Take a look:


How’s that for a slap in the face to the American people?

But seriously, aside from the anti-American slogan, the plane really does look like a giant tampon. How fitting. Here’s what folks online had to say about the plane and slogan:

“Are they not aware that it looks like a giant tampon?”

“Their slogan implies that people should go vote for Trump. This is a very bizarre campaign strategy.”

“Is that a World War 2 bomber?”

“The Spirit Airways of Presidential planes.”

“A New Way Forward? She’s been part of the problem for the last 3.5 years. Why didn’t she do the “new way” before now?”

“Meet the new boss, same as the old boss?”

“Why does this plane remind me of a big tampon?”

“Does their “New Way Forward” mean faster bankrupting of the middle class American citizen?”

“So vote for Trump then. Got it”

“Please be a Boeing…”

“It looks like I decorated it.”

“Any first-year design student could have done a better job. Good grief!”

“A new way forward. To communism.”

“She’s been VP for 3.5 years yet is “new”?”

“They keep using this “forward” word. It really feels like they’re planning a communist revolution!”

“Did DEI hires build this plane? Because if Boeing did, it isn’t going anywhere.”

We also found a lot of memes that “fixed” the plane’s slogan:





And last but not least, a bird’s-eye view from inside the plane:


If Harris and Walz get anywhere near the White House, that’s exactly what will happen to the United States. We’ll go up in flames. We simply can’t afford four more years of this bumbling Marxist rule, which will only worsen under these two DEI extremists.