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When Joe Biden was deep into one of his dementia rages, he loved to yell at us Americans, bossing us around and screaming bloody murder about his “precious democracy.” Who can forget his “Hitler-like” speech? There he was, on stage, veins popping, bathed in a sinister red glow, flanked by two military guards, ranting and raving as if he were commanding the new 4th Reich.


Well, it turns out this behavior isn’t just limited to senile politicians; it’s a rampant problem within the Dem Party. Their latest candidate, who wasn’t chosen by the people, also has a habit of screaming at Americans and ordering us around like we’re unwashed peasants. This time it was Kamala, channeling her inner “dementia rage” at a past press conference. She went completely off the rails, demanding that Americans stop saying “Merry Christmas” until illegals have amnesty.

What on earth is going on with this insane woman?

As if it weren’t bad enough with senile Joe screaming at us—which you could almost excuse, seeing him lose his mind in real time. But Kamala, she’s a whole different beast. Kamala epitomizes a typical DEI employee: painfully aware of her own inability to do the job, she covers that by whipping people up into a frenzy with simplistic and foolish arguments, like her stance on not saying ‘Merry Christmas.” It’s just silly nonsense.

Kamala doesn’t have an ounce of “America First” in her DNA—she’s a radical, unhinged globalist. But it’s even worse to think that she’s up in arms for illegals yet has said nothing for the countless Angel Families who’ve lost loved ones to violent crimes committed by these illegals. Where is Kamala’s passion for them? It’s completely absent because Kamala is a tried and true “finger in the air” politician who only speaks to rack up progressive points.

Trump’s VP pick, JD Vance, recently weighed in on Kamala blatantly ignoring the horrific murder of Lakyn Riley, who was raped and killed by one of Kamala’s precious illegals.

JD Vance:

Border Czar Kamala Harris found the time to write a letter to Dylan Mulvaney, yet hasn’t found any time to say even a single word about Laken Riley.

I find it very weird that Kamala is so cold and heartless about the American kids dying because of her open border policies.

Here’s a closeup of the image JD Vance shared:


James Carville hit the nail on the head when he said that preachy women are ruining the Dem Party. Kamala Harris is the perfect example of a “preachy female.”

Can you imagine spending the next four years being yelled at and scolded by America’s Cackling Kamala? That’s precisely what we’d face if she were allowed anywhere near the White House. Not only are Kamala’s ideas and policies stupid, dangerous, and utter failures, but she’s also one of the most unlikable and heartless politicians we’ve seen since Crooked Hillary Clinton.