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Let’s face it, the Democrats’ fundraising machine is basically one big money-laundering scam. But you’ve got to hand it to these crooks—they’ve got a well-oiled, money-making machine fueling their reelection efforts. Just think about Ukraine and where all that uncharted money is going. It’s likely funneling right back to the US and into the Dems’ coffers. But the scam goes beyond just Ukraine; it’s a full-blown, comprehensive effort. A key player in this scheme is ActBlue. They call themselves an American political action committee and fundraising platform for left-leaning nonprofits and Democratic politicians. However, according to Marco Rubio and others, ActBlue is actually a massive left-wing money laundering operation—a “behemoth,” if you will.

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This isn’t anything new; Senator Rubio actually started investigating this crooked company a year ago. The good news is that red states are jumping on the bandwagon and investigating the money laundering scheme, including Wyoming, Missouri, and Virginia.

You can read more about Wyoming’s efforts to throw a major monkey wrench into the Democrats’ illegal money-raising scheme.

Here’s a closeup of the image:


This is great, but we need more. Every single red state should be digging into ActBlue. Where’s Texas?

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Real Clear Politics:

Sen. Marco Rubio, Tuesday on “The Charlie Kirk Show,” discusses why Kamala Harris is a “disaster” pick for Democrats, his effort to prevent campaign finance money laundering by Democratic fundraising behemoth ActBlue, and why any running mate Donald Trump picked would have faced the same attacks that Sen. J.D. Vance is facing:

SEN MARCO RUBIO: It always makes me laugh. I go back to 2008. I remember the day after John McCain, who was a darling of the media for much of his career, but the minute he became the Republican nominee, I think it was a day or two later, the New York Times ran a scandalous, outrageous story that turned out to be discredited, implying he was having affairs with lobbyists. They attacked him immediately.

Think about the things they accused Mitt Romney of: not respecting women, being out of touch, and not liking working people. They called George W. Bush a war criminal. Any Republican is going to be smeared, no matter who they are. The only difference is Trump is the first one who gave it back to them in equal measure, and they don’t like that. Whoever he picked as vice president would have faced similar attacks, maybe different stories, but the same line of attack.

Part of the reason for that is Kamala Harris is indefensible. Here’s the truth: go back and read the New York Times article by Jonathan Martin and another reporter. It talked about how Biden appointed an independent committee to help him pick a VP. Kamala Harris was neither the candidate who most impressed them nor the person the advisors thought was prepared to be president. She was a disaster in the Senate with huge levels of internal staff turnover and had a disastrous trip to Central America.

These are facts laid out in her career. She ran for president, and her campaign was a disaster; she didn’t even make it to December. When she got the vice presidency, she wasn’t the most qualified person. I’m not saying that; the Biden people said that. She was a disaster there as well. They don’t want to talk about all this, so she’s going to get this honeymoon period where the media builds her up.

But after Labor Day, after their convention, it’s going to come down to something very simple. Everything Joe Biden has done that’s damaged this country, Kamala Harris was there for and supported. Joe Biden’s career, for the most part, was that of a 20th-century Democrat. She and the far-left liberals sort of rented Joe Biden, putting up with him because his lack of mental acuity allowed him to get away with things. Kamala Harris, however, is a real deal left-wing Democrat who supported some of the most radical policies imaginable, as recently as 2020 when she ran for preisdent. She should be held accountable for that, and we should focus on that. Eventually, the media will have to address it, but first, they’re going to smear J.D. Vance as they would have smeared anyone else Trump picked.

We only have one minute here, Senator, because we’ve covered so much ground. Can you please tease our audience about the ActBlue story? Your leadership on that topic has been terrific and much appreciated.

Yes, on the back of everyone’s credit card, there’s a code called the CVV code. It allows you to track the account and its location. We use it, WinRed uses it, and everyone else does too. However, you can donate thousands of dollars to ActBlue without your CVV code. I want to pass a law that requires all online donations using credit cards to include a CVV code to ensure the person is actually in the United States and eligible to contribute. Otherwise, you could have credit cards in China basically putting millions of dollars in small donations into American political campaigns.

ActBlue has become a money-laundering operation because they don’t take the CVV. It’s a deliberate strategy on their part. We should have a law that closes that loophole. I’ve been trying to get it passed, and as you can imagine, the Democrats oppose it because ActBlue opposes it. If they had to use the CVV code, their donations would likely decrease significantly.

We also have James O’Keefe to thank for pulling back the curtain on the Dems election money laundering schemes years ago.

ActBlue is notorious for tapping into “elderly donations,” raking in billions to fuel their scheme. Insiders report that ActBlue accesses donor accounts to make thousands of donations without the donors’ ever knowing. Recently, Rubio sat down with popular right-wing podcaster Charlie Kirk to shed more light on how ActBlue is laundering millions through illegal donations.

Charlie Kirk:

.@marcorubio unpacks the BOMBSHELL story of how Democrats’ ActBlue platform might be laundering million in illegal donations.

He’s also become one of the most articulate defenders of JD Vance. As one of the VP finalists, his perspective is incredibly powerful.

Thankfully, we’re finally investigating this scheme, but it’s a shame we’ve allowed it to continue for this long. The Democrats will find any way they can to cheat and gain an unfair advantage. They can’t win on policies—they’re too outlandish for that—but no problem. They resort to ballot harvesting, mail-in ballots, US tax dollars, and foreign money laundered into “donations” to secure “victories” at the ballot box. It’s time for every single red state Attorney General to grab a shovel and start digging, and make sure ActBlue is cut off at the knees before 2024.